"thanks quackity for the hype" the british boy responds

"and that on beside him is dream. he on the other hand is tall, but very stupid" quackity states

"okay, hello dream and george" i say waving to them

"hello, sorry but whats your name?" the blonde asks

"oh im y/n"

"quackity what the hell, you forgot me. anyways im sapnap im sexy and very funny"

"hello sapnap" i say

"sapnap you are neither hot or funny" george states

"im am too you colorblind bitch" sapnap almost yells

"lower your voices, im gonna get a headache" quackity says

"quackity thats bold saying that arent you loud?" i ask

"you know what shut your mouth y/n" he repsonds

"anyways, what do you guys do out here then?" i ask 

"we just hangout, sometimes we might have some drink sometimes we dont. it depends on the night i guess" quackity states

* third person pov *

all the guys were sat in pull out chairs and there was an extra one right beside of quackity, so y/n goes and sit in it.

she gets comfy in the blue chair as sapnap and dream get into argument about the best block in minecraft.

"NO! are you dumb? like actually stupid?" the brunette asks the blonde headed boy.


"you just said youre favorite is spruce wood, i dont want to hear anymore shit talk from you" sapnap reponds.

"no dream, sapnap has a point" george says

"pff whatever" the blonde sighs

"okay....anyways anyone bring a speaker?" karl asks

"i have one in my car, i can go get it" y/n says

"ill come with you" the 5'11 brunette boy says as he stands up

y/n and karl walk to the parking lot to go get the speaker as soon as sapnap speaks up

* sapnap pov *

"okay, what the fuck quackity!" i finally speak up

"what?" quackity asks

"you just take a random person and say 'oh yes please be in our friendgroup that has no idea youre coming to the thing we do every friday and we'll be besties!' not to be rude big q but you cant just do that" i state

"no, because its kinda unfair to all of us"george says

"come on guys you have to give her a chance, shes really funny actually" quackity says

"whatever but before she does anything else with us you ask us first" i state looking him in the eyes

"okay i will. this is my bad" he says looking down

* y/n pov wooooo *

me and karl walk back, and then we get back looking at the group is just enough to feel the tension

"we got the speaker!" karl says trying to get it less awkward

he then connects his phone and plays right here by chase atlantic (a fav song fr)

you can feel some of the tension go away, slowly but surely.

"this song is a fucking banger" i say trying to help something

"mhm" the blonde hums

i check my phone and it reads '2:17am' SHIT

"sorry but i have to get home, it was nice meeting all of you" i say standing up and picking up my jacket

"youre speaker!" karl says

"keep it i have other ones" i say walking away

"bye y/n!" quackity and karl say almost in unison

i get to my car and through my jacket in the passenger seat as i start up my engine, i pull out and start my drive home

15 minutes i pull in my driveway, i go up to my front door and get the key to the house and open it up. i walk to my mothers room and silently open the door

"hey mom im home" i quietly whisper

"okay, thanks for telling me" she mumbles

i shut her door as silent as i opened it, i walk up to my bedroom and flop on my bed.

"im exhausted" i say after changing and getting into my bed, next thing i know im out like a light.


chapter 3 is done! i took a huge break on writing this chapter, i just had no ideas where it was going but hopefully this good enough. i love you all and make sure to get some rest <3

word count: 1175

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