"You're kidding me." Touya sits back on his heels, watching as Keigo heads for the door.

"You can wait. She can't." He mutters once before opening the door, calling out to you. "Coming, kid!"

You smile from down the hall, placing your bag at your feet. The lights were on through the house, and everything was neat and clean given Keigo hadn't been home all day.

When he rounds the corner to you, his smile is wide and genuine, and his chest is damp with sweat. You have to swallow some type of guttural feeling.

He leans in to kiss you passionately, hand reaching behind your back to grope the swell of your behind. He swallows the gasp you offer with a kiss, and you can't shake the underlying taste of Touya's smoky interior. It doesn't bother you - in fact, you lean into it without a passing thought. Hoping, but not yet knowing if you'd get lucky by the end of the night.

"Why does it take three hours for you to pack a bag?" He whispers between kisses, smirking as he touches your skin. Against him, you can't help but giggle and flush. If you had seen yourself from a distance, you were sure to be mortified by your behavior. "You like keeping me waiting?"

"Punishment for talking my ear off for twelve hours straight." You reply, biting down on your bottom lip as he chuckles. You weren't exaggerating, Keigo loves talking. About his early hero work, his favorite memories, and prized possessions. You wouldn't trade those boring talks for the world, only because it showed you that he cared, and it helped you understand him a little better.

"You're so easy to talk to, next time just tell me to shut up."

"Never." He kisses you one more time, and you savor the feeling of being wanted. The headiness lasts long enough for Touya to pad out of the bedroom hallway, rubbing his hands over his face before he closes in on you two.

"Hey," He starts, leaning over to kiss you on the cheek. You mutter back pleasantries as Keigo looks at him with that wide-eyed gaze you've only seen Touya pull from him. "How was patrol?"

You look at Keigo as if he would answer the question, but you find he looks at you. So, you nod. "Really good. Thank you, again, for helping me this morning."

"Anytime." Touya nudges Keigo, a smirk on his lips. Only they know what just played out in that bedroom, but both were okay with letting it simmer. "You ran off before you could take Y/N with you. Had to help her stretch and shit."

"I didn't want to wake you." Keigo talks to you, treating Touya's voice as a shadow of his thoughts. "In retrospect, it was dumb."

"Thank God we didn't have to fight. I would've died." You three treat it as a joke, but you know it's not far from the truth. Your job was your body, and if you didn't treat it with the same respect, your career would be easily cut in half.

"Come on, I bet you're tired." Keigo leans down, taking your heavy bag in his hand. He doesn't comment on the weight, not wanting to make you feel overly conscious about what you needed. You already agreed to this selfless change he wanted for you all, and he was destined to cradle your trust for as long as he had it.

"Exhausted, actually. Thanks for noticing." You smile at him as you start walking to the bedroom. Touya doesn't follow, he just runs a hand through his hair, thinking of the cigarette he was going to smoke down to the filter the second he could grab it.

Keig notices he's not being followed, and looks over his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Touya shrugs. "Nothing. Go get settled, I'll be there soon."

Then, Keigo looks at you, and you look back. "Okay..."

"Come on." He places a hand behind your back, rubbing it lightly as you two walk to the bedroom. He starts asking about the rest of your night - if it was filled with silence or music. Or if it was filled with thoughts of him.

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