chapter 8

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After you'd finished getting dressed and left the bathroom, Loki was gone. You went to the kitchen for some breakfast. You make some toast and take your usual seat across from Loki, who was eating some chopped fruits.
"Happy birthday." He looks up at you.
"Thanks." You smile at him.
Everybody wishes you a happy birthday.
"So (y/n) are you excited for tonight?" Clint asked from the other side of the table.
"Very! I've never really had a 'proper' party before. Only small get togethers with a few close friends." You smile thinking about all the good times you'd had with your friends.
"Wait, so you've never been to a club or anything like that before?" Tony asked in disbelief.
"Of course I've been to a club before!" You scoff, "I went for my 21st birthday, and I think one other time, for like a bachelorette party."
"Well Tony's parties are always a blast! I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself." Bucky says, placing a hand on your shoulder. Loki glares up at him, Bucky widened his eyes and moved his hand walking away to put his plate in the same sink.
"What the hell..?" You think to yourself
"Nobody gets to touch you except me! You're mine!" You hear Loki's voice in your head.
"I am not yours!" You give him an angry look.
"Oh, but you are."  He smirks at you
"I'm not some type of object you can just claim! I don't belong to you!" He looks away to the window, defeated.
"So are we just not gonna talk about what happened last night?" He looks back at you, his eyes saddened.
"I had a bad dream, you comforted me, and helped me fall asleep." You answer bluntly taking a bite of your toast. You were trying so hard not to let him see how you were really feeling.
" So we're just going to ignore the fact that we cuddled, and spent the night in the same bed?" You could tell he was getting annoyed.
"I don't know about you- but to me, that was completely platonic." You lied , you're lying to the god of mischief and lies there's no way he couldn't tell you were lying! He slams his hands on the table and storms off to his room. Everyone turned to him and then looked to you after he was out of sight.
"What was that about?" Steve asked
"I don't know." You lied; again! Thor looked at you suspiciously.
"Nothing" he gave you a smirk, Steve looks back and forth between the two of you, confused. You just rolled your eyes.
"Well anyways..." Nat interrupted after placing her plate in the sink.
"You ready to go train (y/n)?
"Yup!" You shove the last bite of toast in your mouth and walk with Nat to the training rooms.

~Loki's POV~

"How dare they brush me off that way!?" He paces his bedroom floor.
"I thought that last night really meant something, for the both of us!" He sat on his bed, still lost in thought.

~your POV~

After you'd finished training with Nat, you went to take a shower and then made your way to the kitchen for some lunch. Loki wasn't there, you weren't surprised. He was upset with you, and that okay with you... For now at least.
"Guests start arriving at ten o'clock. All of you better be ready before then!" Tony announced before leaving the room
"Yes sir." You say sarcastically, earning a chuckle from Clint.
After you finish eating you sit down with Clint, Steve and Bucky to watch a few movies to pass the time. You had finished one, and got about half way through another when Wanda and Nat pull you up
"Come on, (y/n)! We gotta get ready!"
"Already? It's only three o'clock!" You complain. Nat gives you a smirk and winks at you.
"Huh?- oh! OH!" You smirk and follow her and Wanda to her room (I apologize if you're not into girls/female oriented people, but for the sake of this story you're pansexual; if you don't know what that is, or you're not sure, Google it!).
It was seven o'clock by the time the three of you actually strated to get ready. You slip on a sweater and some sweats and you use the walls for support when you go to your room to get the bag of things that you'd bought for tonight. You walk back to Nats room,
"Ok let's start with makeup." Nat says, holding a handful of different brushes in one hand, and a small bag of makeup in the other. She helps you over to the bed and props you up on some pillows. She straddles you and leans over you. You stare into her eyes, biting your bottom lip. She smirks, and turns to dig in her makeup bag.
While Nat's doing your makeup, Wanda's doing hers at Nats vanity across the room. After Nat has finished with your makeup she sat you were Wanda was just sitting, and you see yourself for the first time.
"What!? Do you not like it?" Nat asked, kind of panicked
"No, I love it! It looks amazing!" You give her a beaming smile,
"Thank you!" She smiles at you.
"So (y/n), do you want your hair up or down?" Wanda asks plugging in the curling iron.
"Uhm, I don't know. Surprise me!"
After a while, Wanda was finished with your hair and did a beautiful half up, half down look.
"Do you like it?" She held up a hand mirror behind you, showing you the back of your hair in the mirror in front of you.

"Do you like it?" She held up a hand mirror behind you, showing you the back of your hair in the mirror in front of you

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(As always you can change it, just giving a visual)

"I love it!" You smile at her reflection, and her face lights up with joy.
"Now put the dress on." Nat chimed leaving the bathroom. You get up and almost fall over, but Wanda caught you.
"How can you guys still walk!?" They laugh. You manage to make your way to the bathroom, Nat hands you your bag.
"They've both seen every inch of you, and you're still uncomfortable changing in front of them?" You thought to yourself unzipping your sweater. While they waited for you to get dressed Nat and Wanda did their hair. It took you a little while to even be able to even stand in your shoes, but you eventually managed to make it to the door. When you open it, they both look at you in awe.
"Wow... (Y/n) you look absolutely gorgeous!" Wanda gawked at you.
At this point it was nine thirty and the three of you were ready for the party. You all walk into the living room, and all eyes fall onto you.
"Hi." You give an awkward wave to the boys who just stare at you.
"Hey (y/n). Are you re-" Steve looks at you walking in from the kitchen
"Whoa..." He stood there staring.
"Thanks Steve.." you give a shy smile, trying to ignore the fact that he was staring at your breasts. Wanda stands in front of you and snaps at Steve, who was practically drooling over you.
"Ahem! I guess we should go upstairs then." Bruce says before walking to the elevator
"Ye- yeah." Thor stutters, breaking his eyes away from you and follows Bruce, and the rest of the guys do the same. Finally, Bruce had done something you could agree with! After the boys leave, you Nat and Wanda all go up the penthouse. To your surprise, Loki was there, but no one else was yet. He had turned to see who was there when he heard the elevator. His eyes widened and jaw dropped at the sight of you, making you blush.
"Wow! (Y/n) you look absolutely stunning!" He said with a smile as he walked towards you.
"My apologies for the way I acted earlier, it was silly." He grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles.
"It's ok, Loki." You giggle as he twirls you around to get a better looks at you. Nat and Wanda exchange a confused look, before looking back at you and Loki.
"Would you like a drink?" He smiles at you
"How could I say no?" You smirk at him. After a few minutes the others show up, you were surprised that they weren't already here, seeing as they'd left before you did.
"Oh by the way, Tony I hope you don't mind but I invited a few old friends of mine." You were sure to cover your chest the best you could with your hand.
"What do you mean 'a few old friends'? How many people did you invite?" You're taken aback by how angry his tone was,
"I- uh, I only invited two. And I told them that I'd managed to score a few invites to your party just in time for my birthday, and that they were welcome to join me. So you can calm the fuck down now!" You snap.
"Ok, whatever." He waves it off. Loki places a gentle hand on your shoulder,
"Pay no attention to him, he's just upset that you're not interested."
"Oh, is he now?" You smirk sipping your drink.

Author's note: I could use a bit of help in finding a better title for this chapter, you're welcome to give some ideas in the comments. Hope you're enjoying the story so far! And if you are, don't be shy, vote and comment!
Love you besties

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