chapter 5

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The drive there was silent, when you finally pulled up to your apartment building.
"Here we are kid." You go up to your floor, along with Tony and a few of his employees carrying some folded boxes.
"Which one is it?" Tony asks as you both get off the elevator
"I thought you'd know that, what with you stalking me." You joke. Then you notice Al's door crack open and he poked his head out
"(Y/n)!! Where've you been!? I was worried about you! And is that- omg it is! THATS TONY STARK, HOLY SHIT!!"
"SHHH!" you put your finger to your lips
"Al calm down!"
"Oh my god, it's fuckin Tony Stark!" He whispered. You roll your eyes and start walking to your apartment.
"Whats with all these people, and the boxes?" You turn to look at him
"Oh, I- uh.. I'm moving, Al."
"What!? where!?"
"Shut up, will you?"
"Sorry." He smiles sheepishly
"I'm moving in with the-" Tony shoots you a glare that could kill.
"I- I'm moving to Manhattan."
"What? But that's so far from Rochester, I'll never get to see you!" Al said with a sad smile, and looked down at the floor.
"Is this the part where you confess your feelings for one another, or can we get this show on the road?" Tony butt in, a smirk on his face.
"What!? Tony no, Al's just a friend, I don't see him like that!" You blush a bit as you start back to your apartment.
"You sure?" He elbows you playfully, and you laugh.
You pack up all your stuff into the unnecessary amount of boxes that Tony provided. You'd really only be taking your clothes, and your books, along with your room decor. You didn't need any help but Tony's employees insisted, so you let them, every time you filled a box (which was only like, 5.. 3 of which were just books), someone would tape it shut and whisk it away.
"It'll be nice to wear my own clothes again." you say with a sigh of relief once everything you wanted to take was packed up.
"Ok kid, let's go."
"Wait, can you just gimme a sec?" you ask, looking over your shoulder at him.
"Alright, I'll be waiting in the car."
"Ok see you in a bit." He shut the door behind him, leaving you alone in the apartment.
"Why do I feel so sad? I hated living here." You ask yourself walking around the apartment one last time. You'd started down the hall, to the elevator, and decided that you'd say goodbye to Al. You knock on the door, and within seconds, it opens.
"Hey, Al. I just wanted to say goodbye, and... thank you." He furrows his brows confusion filling his hazel eyes.
"Thank you for always listening to me rant, when I've had a rough day, and somehow, always making me smile." You said with a sad smile, and a lump in your throat, holding back tears. He just stood there for a second before wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. That did it, you started to cry quietly into his shoulder.
"I should go..." You say after a bit, as you pull away from the hug, wiping your tears away.
"Goodbye, I hope I'll see you again sometime." He says as you're walking away, you don't answer. You got into the car with Tony who was waiting for you in front of the building,
"You ok kid?"
"Yeah, I'm fine! Just got a bit emotional is all." You gave a small laugh.
When you reach the tower, your boxes are already in your room. When you got off the elevator, Nat, Steve and Loki were in the living room watching TV. Loki looks up at you when you walk in, and immediately notices something's wrong. He gets up from his seat and walks over to you, taking your hands in his,
"Are you ok? What's wrong?" You look up at his emerald eyes, his face filled with concern. You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out, you were surprised at how much he cared about you, after only meeting you yesterday. When you didn't say anything, he pulled you into a hug, wrapping his strong arms around you. At first you were surprised, but after a bit you melted into the hug, hugging him back. Nat, Tony, and Steve all looked at eachother, exchanging confused looks. Realizing that he was being watched he pulled away from the hug, leaving you longing for his touch.
You where unpacking, and watching the sun go down slowly below the horizon. When there was a knock at the door,
"Come in!" Steve poked his head in your room,
"Dinner's ready, come and eat."
"Ok, be there in a sec"

During dinner, you and Loki made awkward eye contact every now and then, while Bucky gave you an eyebrow raise (😏) making you laugh.
Suddenly, you felt someone's foot touching yours, you look to Loki, who's already staring at you, but this time it was different, his emerald eyes filled with lust and desire.

Author's note: Hey guys! Here's chapter 5, hope you like it so far!
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