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This was fine because as he neared the fishing rods his father called out to him, "There you are! We thought you ran off with a mermaid!"

The two older men chuckled at the joke as Ben joined them back on the sand, rolling his eyes at the dumb joke.

"No, I just was exploring over there." He pointed to the pier that was stuck out of the beach a good hundred yards away.

His father didn't seem to hear him and handed him one of the lunch bags. Ben took it kinda blocking them out, how could they still be talking about fishing? He opened the brown paper bag and pulled out a sandwich. It wasn't anything fancy, just ham and cheese. He bit into it and scanned the ocean for any sign of the red haired boy despite knowing he wouldn't see anything. He really wanted to thank him. Wherever he was, whoever he was.

As he chewed the sandwich he considered going back out to the pier and looking more thoroughly. His thoughts were interrupted as one of the three fishing rods suddenly jerked forward. His uncle, who was closest to that one dropped everything and dove for it just as it almost got pulled into the ocean. He started reeling frantically. His father hovered over his shoulder as he pulled on the fish.

Ben watched them freaking out and then followed the thin fishing line out to the waves and squinted, looking for a fish. After a continuous battle for about five minutes, in which time Ben finished his sandwich and also drank a bottle of water, there was a whoop as the two older men pulled in their catch. It was a small fish, silvery in color and it flopped right on the beach as his father scooped it up with a net and put it in a weird box Ben hadn't noticed before. Huh.

His father clapped him on his back as his uncle reset the fishing rod.

"A beauty, a true beauty." He told Ben, Ben nodded like he knew what was going on even though he didn't.

His father was smiling widely at the box that held the fish and Ben found he felt a little bad. Imagining if he had seen a tasty morsel and bitten down on it just to be yanked out of his home and put into a dark box with semi warm water.

Ben made a face and his father noticed. "What's wrong son?"

Ben quickly checked himself and ran a hand through his hair. "Uh.. nothing, can i go uhm.." He tried to come up with something to do to get away from the other two again. "Can I get some more water from Mom? I'm thirsty." 

His father did not question this at all, "Get a beer for me and you uncle too."

Ben stood and scampered away back up the beach and over the walk way they had crossed earlier.

Only when his feet touched the slightly spiky grass did he realize he had forgotten shoes. It didn't really matter much since he was already practically back at the condo. He tried the handle and it was unlocked so he let himself in. He didn't feel too good suddenly. Maybe it was the sun, maybe the way the fish had gaped for air, or maybe the slight amount of sea water sloshing in his lungs but he really needed to lay down.

"MOM I'M BACK EARLY, NOT FEELING TOO GOOD, GONNA GO LAY DOWN!!" He walked to the bottom of the ladder.

He got a quick response, his mother poking her head out from the kitchen, worry pinching her forehead.

"Do you need anything sweetie?" She asked with concern.

Ben waved her away as he started up the first couple rungs. "I'll be okay, I just need to rest my eyes."

He didn't see her response but distinctly heard her move back into the kitchen to continue whatever she had been doing before he had interrupted. He reached the small attic room and stripped his still damp swim trunks off. He pulled on sweatpants.

Despite the heat of the outdoors, the small attic room was cool. He pulled his wet shirt off and flopped into bed. He removed his glasses and tucked them under his pillow. A pounding headache assaulting the space behind his eyes. He closed them and rubbed his forehead, not bothering to pull the covers over his body. What was with today? First no breakfast, next being practically forced to go fishing, then almost drowning. Last of all what was with that strange boy, he couldn't get over it. It was at the forefront of his mind, stubbornly refusing sleep. He rolled over, his eyes still closed and tried to force the red haired guy out of his head. A thought occurred. Maybe... Maybe if he went there later the guy would be there again. This idea put his mind at rest for the time being and he drifted off into sleep. The midday sun shining through the thin white curtains.

Deep as the Ocean || An OC x Ben Drowned story || DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now