2 - presence

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Teruhashi finally chose a club for him and submitted it. It fits him well- just a lowkey club that doesn't require much. Even though he didn't ask me nicely, I'm still not a jerk...if he doesn't like this, it's not my problem anymore. I mean I could ask him for his opinion...whatever.

She sighed. He's still annoying me.

"Thank you for finishing it so quickly, Teruhashi-san. Nothing less from you." The prefect of discipline smiled at her sweetly, which she returned kindly. "It's not a problem at all. I'm the student council president, so I should be able to do this much."

They ended up chatting with her and, although she really wanted to leave, she had no choice but to keep talking with them.

Was it an obligation? Or was it just something she grew to do? At this point, it wasn't just for the sake of 'acting perfect'. She believes she's perfect and will do anything just to maintain that image she has of herself. I mean, being nice to people, like completely, 100% nice to people, gets tiring...

Like with this prefect of discipline in particular. "Honestly, kids these days are so immature. I'm glad you're different, Teruhashi."

Uh-huh... "I'm happy to hear it." Teruhashi smiled. My face feels tired. Time to cut this session off. She looked at her wristwatch and feigned a worried expression, but resumed her smile.

Their face immediately bore worry. "Oh dear, were you busy? I'm so sorry for taking up your time!"

"No, no, it's alright. You can continue." Teruhashi smiled sweetly. Yeah, no. Let me leave.

"Please, we can talk next time. Be on your way now."


Once she bid goodbye, she hurriedly left and upon closing the door, sighed and slumped down on the floor. (After thoroughly scanning for other students, that is) "Jeez, that was tiring...," She whispered to herself. I'll get a drink.

Teruhashi trudged to the nearby vending machine, which somehow unofficially became her disassociating spot. Somewhere in the corner, she'd sip some soy milk and take off her responsibilities, both as a student council president and as the world-renowned perfect beauty.

I have class in a few minutes, and some papers, and some more papers...I guess I can't apply for track this time too. She sighed. A few more sips made her realize she already finished up her drink. Crushing the box, she threw it in the recycling bin and sighed. "Why did I think being a president was a good idea any--"

In the corner of her eye, she found a familiar saturated pink head of hair. She quickly turned to look, her body automatically assuming elegance in posture. "Saiki-kun?"

Ugh, I did not want to see him. Actually, I didn't want him to see ME. How long has he been here?

However, when she looked around, he was nowhere to be found.

Was I seeing things? I clearly saw him, though? Is he hiding...but where could he have hidden and how fast can someone hide when I saw him just a second ago?

Teruhashi walked towards the direction where he saw him. There's an empty classroom in here, is he inside?


Saiki was at a loss. In reflex, he turned himself invisible, but he quickly realized that it was a bad idea. She already saw me. Damn...what do I do now? Should I make her pass out?

First, could she move away...

Saiki was, in fact, just a few inches away from her. Like, he's literally in front of her, in a kabe-don position.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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