"Enzo?" I called and it echoed. I walk further into the house/mansion/castle. It's like a mansion that I see in classic movies. It's like a maze, many hallways,  stairs, and doors. I saw a wooden double door again and I opened it. Books, a lot of shelved books, it's a very big library. This room has the classic feel to it. I see a fireplace at the end because of the shadows that were emanating from it. I walk close to it as I call out his name again "Vincenzo?" Damn! Where is that man?! He said that we'll talk but I think he's hiding from me. Gosh Lexine, what did you get yourself into? First, you've given yourself to a man that you've just met, then the said man is calling you angel all the time, you'd have sex with him a lot of times and you didn't even struggle. As much as I want to deny, I love the sex, kinda rough but I crave for it and he knows it. God! What if he's a bad person? Or a naturally rich guy who lures girls with his charm that he's interested in and dumps her after getting tired of her? Is this what italian men do in this place?

"Lexine" I almost jump with his voice and I turn to him immediately.

"What the hell! You scared me!" I told him loudly and irritatedly.

"What are you doing here angel?" I glare at him. Why does he keep calling me angel? As far as I know, I'm not one!

"Stop calling me angel..." I softly said. "I was looking for you. I told you earlier that we need to talk. Besides, I can't stay here any longer." his face darkens, his hands going to the pocket of his pants.

"Who says you're leaving tesoro... You'll stay here with me as long as I want."

"And then what? When you get bored of me, you'll just throw me off? Oh please?! I just got out from a terrible engagement, I don't want you to add that."

"I'm not that kind of man angel. I want you to stay with me, I want us together..." I dropped myself on the leather couch that was there and I'm so confused. How could this man want me?

"I... I don't understand... Why? We've just met at the beach?! We talk and then suddenly you want me?"

"I'll explain everything to you, okay Lexine." being rational, I shut my mouth and wait for his explanation. I heard him putting ice on a glass then he poured some whiskey. "Five years ago, someone attempted to kill me and my father." I look at him without speaking and he walks in front of the fireplace. "He almost succeeded, shooting 8 bullets in my body, my father died, but I survived. That night, I thought I was not gonna make it until I saw you. You suddenly showed up on that dark road and saved me. You were telling me not to give up, to be strong. I remember you holding me, your sweet voice encouraging me. Don't you remember Lexine?" I frown trying to recall what he's saying. Five years ago, what was I doing then? I was a student back then, a senior, dean lister, and when I graduated, my father treated me to a vacation in Italy. I feel like I've been poured with cold water when I remember the man that I saw on the road bloody and weak from his gunshot wounds.

"Oh my god..." I murmur and I stare at him. I was there and I called an ambulance. I tried to stop the bleeding from his wounds, just talking even though I was so scared. 

"I was in a coma for two months and in my dreams you're the only person that I see. I love you then and when I woke up, I did everything to find you, they say that I'm crazy looking for an imaginary woman. And after five long and desperate years that I almost gave up, I finally found you." I don't know how I totally would feel. With what I heard he sounded so dedicated to finding me but scary at the same time. You can't love a person just seeing her, me in his dreams. Maybe he's so desperate to survive a bit, why does it need to be me? "I know this is hard to handle but I love you and I'll do anything for you to love me back." I place my palm on my forehead, I'm having a headache and my chest is like a ticking bomb ready to explode.

Vincenzo: I Belong To YouWhere stories live. Discover now