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Putting a pen to paper feels so weird. I haven’t done it in a long, long time. But I would rather do this than make a monitor story, or use a rec-writer. Doing this makes me feel more human. My name is Ash, and this is my story….and maybe it’s not going to end for quite some time.

I used to be called Hail-Ashlee Madden. You may not know the story of my world. I’ll tell it to you now. Where to start? After the sun flares rose higher and struck Earth, It was like everything burned out. Africa was reduced to crumbing dirt, with air like the atmosphere of Venus. Asia, the big modern empire, became nothing more than dark, grey-blue land. The poles flooded, and it was hard to find anything that wasn’t touched by pollution. These were hard times. It was scary. It was weird. I wasn’t alive at the time. I sometimes wish I was. I would have wanted to see the Eiffel Tower, or the Notré Dame Cathedral, or Uluru, The Forbidden City, Niagara Flalls, The Empire Stae Building, The Amazon, Mount Everest, the ICC and dozens of others. But they're all gone now.Nothing but ashes.

Well, now most of the human population moved to the place once known as Canada, Toronto. We call it the Survivor Province. We had to be close, but not too close. You have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t you? Well, don’t lie. You need a history book. During the Sun Flare Era, one particular flare hit the Grand Canyon in Arizona, U.S.A, and instead of burning, the energy rebounded, making the Canyon a pit of crackling somehow cleansed the places near it, like the U.S.A and Canada, enabling mankind to live somewhere and be safe. Also a pretty good place to commit suicide. If you jump in, you don’t feel a thing, you’re just burned to a crisp. At least that’s what I’m told. Of course, after all my adventures, I shouldn’t be able to trust anybody but Tom, right?

We now treat ourselves with perfect discipline. We greet each other with ‘Hello’ and have an alpha to assign food and living space. Mothers care for offspring. We refer to the opposite sex as Female or Male. Alphas fight for domination. No currencies. We have 8 jobs here in Survivor. Offspring-bearers, Investigators (to investigate the Canyon), Rite-Carriers (To carry out the rites of a bless-bathe, a death, Survivor Anniversary, curing sick humans people, stuff like that) Entertainers, Guards (To keep out weird and possibly dangerous things and carry sentences of broken laws), Servants, Alpha-Servers (One will be picked to become Alpha when the old Alpha dies; the rest are killed.) and the Jumpers. Each male or female chooses the path they want to take when they are starting to develop, or when they are thirteen years of age. Oh, by the Galaxy, I should have written thirteen. I am still learning all this stuff, you know. The first 7 jobs are self-explanatory. Jumpers…well they’re something else. If any of those paths do not fit you, and you consider yourself brave of heart, you are faced with a black hole. You jump through into someplace, and, well, you train to be a Jumper. And that’s what’s mystified me since I was five years of age.

When you are thirteen, you choose your path, there are seven main paths, and they separate into many different subcategories, like in Bearers, you have Birthers, Carers, and Nurturers, and the Alpha Bearers have Deciders, Understudies and so on.

So, you do get the idea. The human population reduced to less than 5,000 human’s people, in a stinking world of grief, and we’re still meddling with everything and anything. But, well this is where my story comes in.

I was supposed to be a good girl, and I was. But when I was supposed to sleep, I change. I practice combat skills, and I’ll tell you how.

One day, we were visiting a Book-Burning. Where these old-fashioned things called books which were burned up for power. We were let loose to explore for a while, but told not to touch anything. But I did. I took a history book. And a couple of others. By night, I took more books until my floorboards could hold no more. It was against the law, but the books filled me with a power and satisfaction I had never experienced. It was amazing. If I had to choose between books and power, I would choose books.

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