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Lou was up all night long; trying his best to make a good first impression inside a letter. He had no doubt in mind that he would keep sending these letters to him after the first one.

And he got one done that he actually liked… He wanted to sign it off as himself… But then he remembered that Nolan didn’t really like who he was so he signed it off as ‘Anonymous Blue’. 

He smiled to himself, he was just happy that he would be able to tell Nolan how he feels without the fear of him being shamed for being gay or being rejected. 

But this also let Lou have the chance to express himself a bit, it was good for himself. He soon folds the paper neatly as he slides it into an envelope. 

He stood up and started to heat up his little wax spoon as he looked for what wax he wanted to use to seal it off. He found a light blue wax and put it in the spoon when it was hot enough. 

He waited for the wax to meat and soon enough it did. He carefully picks the spoon up and pour it on the envelope and presses a stamp on it to seal it off in a fancy way.

He soon pulls the stamp away to see the flower imprint in the light blue wax. Everything else was already done for the letter before this so now it was time he sent it Nolan’s way. 

He walks downstairs and outside. He puts the letter in the mailbox with the flag up right. “I hope this works” He whispered as he walked back into his mansion.  

A few hours have passed since then. Nolan has been home for some time now. He had lots of fun hanging out with his best friend Micheal today but he felt drained out.

He was honestly done with people for that day… At the moment he was watching TV as he was snuggled into his sofa with a heated blanket covering himself. He hated being cold. 

He smiles to himself as something funny has happened in the show he was watching, it was some romance movie. After a while he did get bored and wanted to do something but he didn’t know what to do.

“Ugh” He groans as he sits up and gets off his sofa but that’s when there was a knock on the door. “People…” Nolan whines as he walks over to the front door and opens it.

“Hello! Here is your mail today Nolan” The mailman said; yes the mail does get delivered personally to people here. It was how Lou wanted things to be runned here.

“Ah thank you” Nolan said as he grabbed the four envelopes the mailman had in his hand. “Have a nice day!” The mailman said as he walked away “Yeah you too!” Nolan yelled so the mailman could hear him.

Nolan shuts the door; leaning on it as he goes through the four letters “A bill… Some spam mail… And…?” He stopped himself from muttering to himself when he saw a light blue envelope. 

It was named to: To My Beloved Nolan. 

“What?” He giggled out “This must be a joke… Right?” He whispered as he placed the other letters down on the nearest table as he walked back over to the sofa. 

He sits down and snuggles into the heated blanket; he turns off the TV so he could read properly. He really hoped that this was not some kind of sick joke. He looks at the letter once more before opening it carefully.

He didn't want to tear anything or if it was some kind of glitter bomb he hoped he could stop it in time. But no it was just some normal letter. 

He pulls it out and unfolds the white paper to see very neat handwriting. “Well whoever this is, there handwriting is impressive” Nolan giggled out as he started to read what the letter had to say. 
My Dear Beloved Nolan.

I came to send you this today because I can not no longer hold my feelings back. Nolan you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on. 

Just the way you smile takes my breath away and makes my heart feel like it is about to explode or even melt, your giggle is like a saint singing when I get the rare chances of hearing it.

I just wish I could kiss every freckle on your face as I held you close to me… You’re eyes… They are the mix of an emerald and lavender. Something nobody else has… It is truly such a sight to see.

I wish that you looked my way… I would do anything just for you to look right at me… Just for a minute. I would give it all up just for that. I know that people treat you bad and I know that I may have at one point as well.

But I was so deeply wrong and I am still, no one even knows that I am gay and I have a passion in my heart for you and yet I am to scared to say it because of being juged by others. 

But I know that I shouldn’t be scared of something like that… This just shows how brave you really are. More brave than I will ever be. I just wanted to pour my heart out to you without facing things that scare me.

So thank you for reading this. 

Love: Anonymous Blue. 

Anonymous blue? Nolan thought for a moment “Someone actually likes me?” He whispered to himself as his face heats up a bit as he giggles; hugging the letter to his chest. “Ok, anonymous blue you have me listening” He whispered. 

Anonymous Blue (Nolou)Where stories live. Discover now