7. Kamado Tanjiro

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Oh my god. I could feel my face getting super hot and turning all kinds of shades of red.

I sounded so stupid. I kept on stuttering. Oh my god. He did look super cute though.

As I walked out of the room and headed down the street to find the food stall I saw earlier, I realized the sun is setting.

I wasn't worried though, as I hid my nichirin blade with my haori. All I could think about was seeing Giyu half naked.

What a view. His abs and his v-line was showing too. I wonder.. oh my god (y/n)! What are you thinking?! I'm not even married yet!

As I was scolding myself I came upon the food stall.

"Hello!" I said, with a wide smile.

"Hello, what would you like today?" The man said.

I look at all the foods and I spot the dessert section. Eyeing the many sweets that were laid on the table. Oh my god this is heaven!

"Yes, can i please get some red bean cake, daifuku, and hmm... ouu! And some dango's please!" I ask with a smile on my face.

"Of course!" He said, getting all the desserts and hands them to me in a bag. I pay the man and start heading back to the inn.

I can't wait to eat these! I hope Giyu would eat some with me.

I open the door to our room with the key and I see Giyu looking at me with an angry face.

"A-are you okay?" I ask.

"Where were you?" He asked, practically shouting.

"U-um, I went to the food stall down the street and walked around town a bit." I muttered softly, surprised by the way he raised his voice.

How long was I gone for? I looked at the clock and see that it was 9pm. Oh my god, i was gone for almost 2 hours?!

"For that long? I thought you were in trouble." He said, still looking very angry.

"I-I'm sorry, I got carried away." I say. Feeling guilty.

"Tch- Next time at least tell me you're going to be gone for that long." He said.

"I'm sorry, Tomioka-San. I brought some sweets, w-would you like some?" I asked, following him into the room.

He shook his head and went to go sit down on a chair by the window, revealing the beautiful garden filled with many beautiful flowers. I followed him as well. I set down the bag of sweets on the table and took a seat.

Lights were surrounding the garden with a large fountain right in the center. The stars reflecting from the water. My (e/c) shimmered looking through the glass as the stars reflect on my (e/c) hues.

"Are you sure you don't want any? I even brought some tasty dango!" I said happily, with a huge smile.

He shook his head again, now he's just staring at me.

I finish up my some of my sweets and put them away.

"I'm going to take a bath as well, I'll be out in a bit." I say, heading towards the bathroom.

As I got in the bathroom I lock the door and start undressing myself, and I turn the bath on.

I start getting to the bathtub. Feeling the warm water against my soft skin. Enjoying the warm ness and peacefulness.

After awhile, I step out and rap a towel around my body. That's when I noticed..

I forgot my clothes?!

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