VII- Dinner part 2

Start from the beginning

At the same time they all take a piece of the tart my heart stop. Remember when your mom recieved people for the first time and made you vacuum the whole house 3 times and stayed 2 days in the kitchen ? I've the same stress level as your mom at the moment.

They rather love it or hate it there's no between. The first to react is Kiera. She put her hand on my thight and look at me.

Kiera: girl i love this.

Dom turn his head to watch me, with his famous "°o°" face.

Dom: if everything is as good as this masterpiece i'll come every fooking day.

I laughed my stress is going down. But i'm still not 100% here and Tom saw it. He watched me and the kitchen after.

He stood up and went to the kitchen.

Tom: where are your glass?

Rose: wait i'm coming !

I went to the kitchen.

Tom : what's happening ?

Rose: anxiety

Tom: why that? Everything's fine we all have fun and you're a chef so you dont need to stress.

Rose: can you keep a secret?

Tom: of course, Dom no we are talking come after.

I didn't turn because some tears are falling down.

Tom: ok it's good tell me.

Rose: well i never thought i could meet you guys, and i'm really thanksfull for everything you have already done for me.. but i don't feel like i fit in the group and i don't mean it as a rude thing.

He cut me.

Tom: no what the hell, well you have to know that your nickname is 2nd Dom. You're as weird as us all and you already part of the fam lost girl, come here.

Tom opened is arm and i went head first.

Rose: Thank you Tom.

I step back, whipped my tears and Tom went back with the others.

I'm checking on the chicken and the pasta when a girl came next to me.

Kiera : The boys are smoking outside and Tom explain me, you know you don't have to feel this way. Come whenever you want at my house.

Rose: thank you Kiera, Adam found the sweetest girl kinda jalous haha.

Kiera : well if you need a bestfriend the place is free.

Rose: you sure bout that ?

She nodded.

Rose: well if you are now my new bff come with me.

She followed me to my dressing.

Rose: everything here is now yours too.

Kiera smiled and hugged me. We went out i was watching the ground because something seemed weird. But i bumped into someone but with force and fell with that person.

I don't remember much but Dom on the floor laughing and everybody laughing, me as well.

Rose: i'm sorry Dom.

I can't stop laughing. Dom helped me stood up.

Dom: you have force man.

Rose : doesn't seems like i know.

I went back to the kitchen and screamed.

Rose: Dinner's ready children !

We eat, speak, laugh and Tom decided to bring this memorable memorie.

Tom : guys this morning i woke up and as usual i went to the bathroom but when i came in i Saw Rose yelling at me, i shat my pants.

Rose: but if you've seen your face i was laughing during all my shower.

Dom: i heard screaming and Tom blacking out on the couch was the funniest part.

Rose : he was so sorry, but this face always in here, for the rest of my life.

I was watching at Tom smiling but Dom is next to him so i've seen him looking at me too. It was awkard too much for me. So i stood up and starting to take the plate.

Rose : who want desert.

And everyone put their hand in the air.
I started laughing thinking about a song.

Kiera helped me clean the table and in the kitchen.

Kiera: someone is eating you.

Rose : uh?

Kiera: i think someone as a crush on you.

I look at her, laughed and went back.

Rose: caaake.

I heard Kiera laughing.

We all eating our cake and we play some games till 2 in the morning.

Adam: well Kiera we're going ?

Kiera: i'm staying here i need to talk with her you know girl talk.

Adam: she definitly stole my girlfriend.

Dom: Come over as we used too, all 4 like before.

Adam: well ok see you in the morning.

He went and kiss Kiera i heard a "i love you" that too sweet for me.

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