Fiddley Shananagans

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     I was trying to decide what to wear, when i saw my dream outfit, a bright orange gown. It was the dress I wore to prom. Perfect. I would be the fiddlely girl of his dreams. The orange would compliment his fiery red locks.
An hour later an orange double bike pulls up outside my door. I cant help but think that this vehicle fits him perfectly. All I hear is the little ding ding of his pumpkin shaped bell. The sound is music to my ears. He tumbles off the bike and stared into my blue orbs. "Wanna go for a spin pumpkin" he growls at me, his voice cracks, almost like a hammer smashing a pumpkin . Next thing I know we're fiddling off to the event.
Halfway through the journey, a little wire pops out of his hairy ear. The wind pushed it back into my face, like fate. "Stop that" he barks. I put it on my ear anyways. A tiny voice speaks through my ear wax.
"Come in Luigi," I decide that i must be Luigi, who else could it be.
"This is I speaking, Luigi at your service"
"Never mind"
I take the ear piece out and shoved it snuggly back into his semi circular canals. "What did you hear, pumpkin pie," his voice is a whisper, as soft as glass.
"I'm deaf in my left ear, so i couldn't hear" I lied. I heard everything. He's cheating on me with Luigi. I knew it was to good. He was leading me on, that backstabbing little baby carrot.
As I'm thinking them fiddlely little thoughts, I catch a whiff of his pumpkin perfume. All those those thoughts float away. How can someone so... orange, be a backstabbing little tangerine.
Mmmmmmmm... pumpkins
Mmmmmmmm... Eddie
Mmmmmmmm... fiddle
     Without thinking, I bite his head. His body glitches and we crash. Thankfully a raspberry bush breaks our fall. "Dang raspberries. Are you okay?" Concern seems to seep into his voice.
     "I- I- I- I'm okay" i whimper. "Are you?"
     "Yeah but the back of my head kinda feels like it's been bit. Maybe it was a raspberry."
    "Oh yeah, definitely. HAHAHAHAHHA."
     "Woah there Hallway Gorl, maybe you have a concussion"
     Ugh he's so kind.
     I freeze at the mention of a concussion. He can't know, not yet.
      Before I know it, we're there. We had to walk because the bike was demolished by the sheer monstrosity of the bush. Poor bike. It was such a nice shade of orange. Safe to say, the little pumpkin bell does not ring-a-ling-ling anymore. I shed a tear as we walk inside, the show is about to begin.
     One slight problem, there's dead raspberries on his orange tuxedo. I pull a portable Tide pen from behind my ear and wipe him clean. I always keep it there for safe keeping.

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