You turned to Varian and waited for him to finish unpacking. He looked up to you and you smiled at him.

You started the tour. "So, as Ms. Periwinkle said, I'm (Y/n)." You said as the two of you left the classroom and closed the classroom door. "And she said my name is Varian, which she said lots of times." "Ms. Periwinkle asked me to give you a tour ahead of time since she says that I'm the smartest kid in the class, I already know what we're going to learn today. I actually doubt I am but I still agreed to give you a tour." You explained, "I'm really excited to get to know you." "And I'm excited to actually know someone." Varian said sarcastically. "Oh! Also I was given your class schedule, and we have all the same classes together. The principle also said that she'll make sure in all of our classes, we sit together." You remembered.








"And this is Mr. Colon's office." You showed him the security guard's office by the front doors of the school. The door was open, You walked in. "Hey (Y/n)! What's up?" Said Mr. Colon. "Not much, just showing the new kid, Varian, around the school." You smiled. Mr. Colon got out of his chair and walked over to you and Varian, "This is where you come whenever you need something like if there's something suspicious going on in school, like if somebody's being sketchy." Varian nodded 'Ok'. "Now if you don't mind us we shall continue with our tour." You and Varian walked out of the security guard's office. "He scares me a little." Varian said as the two of you walked away. "Meh. You get used to it." You shrugged.

The school bell rang. "Wow! The tour took up the whole period." You said surprised, "Now its lunch time. And lucky for us that's our last stop. Oh and be careful, the halls get pretty crowded after the bell rings. So you might as well hold my hand." You and Varian held hands as the halls became crowded with students. Varian blushed at the fact that he was holding the hand of the nicest girl he ever met.

The two of you made it to the cafeteria. You got your lunches and walked over to your friends. You invited Varian to sit with you and Maya, and James. Maya and James were waiting for you at the table the three of you sit at.

"Hey, guys!" You said sitting down with Varian, "I invited Varian to sit with us." "Hey, I'm Maya!" Maya smiled then pointed to James, "And that's James." "Sup." James nodded. "So, do you like the school." Maya asked. "Well its really different from the one I went to. This one is definitely bigger. No doubt about it." Varian looked around at how big the cafeteria was. That's when you realized something, you and Varian hadn't stopped holding hands since the hallway on the way to go to lunch. You squeezed his hand. He looked down to see what was squeezing his hand. He saw that the two of you were still holding hands. He looked up to you with wide eyes and his face reddned. You were holding back a small laugh at Varian's look on his face. For some reason the two of you never let go.

After the two of you were done eating you pecked Varian's cheek. Varian's face turned a light red, not a pink, but a light red. Maya and James were still eating. Maya's eyes widened, James's jaw dropped and he dropped his fork onto his plate. Varian looked over to you. "Yes?" You asked. "Why did you just kiss Varian?" James asked. You held up your hand that you and Varian were still holding. "What?" Maya asked confused and a little jealous. "Oh, well, we were in the hall then the bell rang for lunch, then I held Varian's hand as we walked to the cafeteria, we never ended up letting go. So after we finished eating, I kissed him. You're really cute by the way." You turn to Varian and peck Varian's lips. You giggled. Then you whispered something into Varian's ear, "You know, your lips are soft?" Varian's face turned a full red. "What did we just witness?" Maya asked. "Well I kissed Varian. So yeah that's all." You smiled. Your friends, including Varian, were so confused and in shock. "Whatever." You rolled your eyes at Maya and James. You let go of Varian's hand.

As the four of you walked out of the cafeteria to your next class you remembered something. "Oh, hey! Isn't my turn?" You asked. "For what?" Maya asked. "For homework?" You said. Every night you, Maya and James would take turns going to each other's houses to do homework. "Yeah, I think it is?" James thought out loud. "Not to be nosey, but... What?" Varian asked. "Oh, every night we take turns going to each other's houses to do homework and tonight we're going to (Y/n)'s house." Maya explained. "Hey! Do you wanna come?!" You asked all excited, "I mean only if you want to." You tried to play it off cool. "Okay! Sure, sounds fun!" You and Varian split off from the group since Maya and James didn't have the same class.

You and Varian finally arrived at your next class, art class, surprisingly Varian was pretty good. You and Varian sat next to each other but you also had another friend sit on the other side of you. "Hi (n/n), and (n/n)'s new friend?" Your other best friend, Max said. He isn't in your science class, so Varian didn't get to meet Max yet. "Oh yeah," You sat down next to Max and Varian sat down next to you, "I forgot, you haven't met Varian yet. He's a new student. Today's his first day." "Well, nice to meet you Varian, I'm Max. (Y/n) and I have all the same classes together except for science. But we do have chemistry." Max hit on you. "Oh, shut up." You nudged Max. He only hits on you as a joke. "Oh and Varian's coming tonight for the homework at my house. Also he met Maya and James earlier at lunch." You looked over to Varian and smiled. Varian blushed remembering lunch. "Uh... Why is he blushing? Wait... What happened at lunch?" Max asked the last sentence sternly. "Oh, not much. All we did was eat lunch. Oh and I kissed Varian." You explained while Varian blushed even harder. "(Y/n). Its his first day. You should have of least gave it time." Max teased as if you forced Varian into a relationship. You know Max was teasing the two of you, but Varian didn't. "No, its not like that." Varian clarified. "Don't worry dude. I was only joking." Max laughed a little.

At the end of the school day, you, Varian and Max met up with Maya and James at the flag pole. "How was your first day, Varian?" Maya asked as you, Varian and Max walked over to them. "Good. I made 4 new friends and one of them kissed me." Varian glared at you. "What? Its not my fault we were holding hands that tempted me to kiss you." You said. "It was literally your fault for us holding hands." Varian yelled, but not too loud. "Whatever." you rolled your eyes and turned away, trying to figure out how to change the subject. You turned back to the group, "Are we heading to my house or not? Lets go!" You started running in the direction of you house. Everyone chased after you.

When they caught up to you at the end of the street, instead of running the 5 of you walked. "Hey. Do you see what I see?" Max whispered to Maya and James then pointed to something. "Oh my gosh." Maya whispered back. You and Varian were walking ahead of the other 3, so you didn't hear the conversation behind you. Max had pointed to you and Varian. The two of you were holding hands as you walked to your house. "Wait, Varian was supposed to be mine." Maya whispered. "What?" James and Max asked at the same time. "Meh. Whatever. As long as (Y/n) is happy." Maya shrugged. "Do you even think they know they're holding hands?" James whispered. "No, I don't think so." Max responded.


Author's Note

How'd you like it? I really liked how Maya was so excited to meet Varian at the beginning of the story. Okay... Bye...

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See ya soon

Word Count : 2195

Future Ruddiger here! Ugh! My everything hurts. I have being sick but I am starting to get better. Love ya guys!

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