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Hueningkai and I eventually make our way back to our houses. He gives me a conch shell he finds, and I accept it. When I ask why he doesn't keep it for himself, he says that though the shells are always pretty, they don't seem as valuable when you can have as many of them as you want all of the time.

I get the sense that that's how a lot of things go here.

Our parents seem to be hitting it off. Our dads are already talking about fishing stories and our moms are attempting to flex Kai and I's accomplishments at each other in the way that all moms do. Honestly, it's good to see my parents like this. I was a little worried that they'd be hermits for this entire trip and would never leave me alone. Now that we're back, they don't seem to be paying any attention to us.

"Hey, do you want to go out with my friends and I tomorrow? We go get boba and hang out at the mall sometimes." Kai asks me as I take a sip of some pineapple juice. We're in his kitchen now, raiding the fridge and pantry for snacks. He pulls out a container of Oreos and offers me one.

"Sounds good," I say, taking a bite of the Oreo. "What time?"

"We normally go in the middle of the day when it's hot so that we're in the air conditioning of the mall most of the time. How is 12:30?" He asks, running a hand through his hair. I'm almost mesmerized by his hair- it's so well-kept and fluffy. I almost forget to reply to his question.

"That's fine. Who drives?"

"We normally drive separately. I'll drive you; I have a convertible that is a lot of fun," He says with a laugh. I arch my brow, getting the feeling there's something more to this that he's not telling me.

"Well, it's my dad's convertible. But he probably won't care."

There it is.

"As long as you're not going to get in trouble for it," I say with a laugh. He throws a chip at me, which I manage to catch and then eat. Amused, he throws me another, which I catch with my mouth this time. Before I know it, he's throwing chip after chip. I don't really want any more chips, and I don't really know why I'm catching them, but Hueningkai thinks it's the funniest thing ever. His laugh is loud and chaotic, but honestly adorable.

Nope. No, absolutely not. I am not starting to catch feelings.

I put my hand up to tell him to stop with the chips, right as the sliding glass door opens and my dad walks in. Kai stops focusing and accidentally throws a chip at my dad instead of at me, which leaves my dad stunned.

"I was coming in to tell you two that Mr. Huening says there's ice cream in the freezer, but instead I got hit with a chip, and now I don't want to tell you that," My dad says, ducking out the door again before sliding it closed. Hueningkai opens up the freezer and grabs an ice cream sandwich, passing one to me before he opens up his. I unwrap mine and take a bite. They taste just like the ones we buy at home, which is a little bit jarring, seeing as I'm thousands of miles away.

"Kai, you have ice cream on your nose," I tell him, noticing the little bit of vanilla he managed to misplace. In response, he scrunches up his face at me, smiling. I grab a napkin and move to wipe it off of him- something I suddenly realize he might have planned on. I wipe the ice cream off of his nose, but now we're close- so close I can hear his breaths.

"Y/N," He says softly. "Can I-"

Before he can finish asking me, I bring my lips to his. I don't know what I'm doing, and I've already violated my first rule of vacation, but I don't care anymore. Kai sets his wrapper on the counter and then pulls me closer, crashing his lips into mine. After a second, or a minute, or fifteen minutes, we separate as his eyes meet mine.

In that moment, something passes between us. I can almost feel the electricity run through me as he kisses me again. It's soft and sweet- without any of the power I might have expected after seeing his eyes- but it's perfect. This time, I pull away, looking up at the taller boy.

We separate in the nick of time, coincidentally, because our parents slide open the glass door. I jump back a few feet, but Mr. Huening doesn't seem to notice as he walks in, the other parents behind him.

"I see you two are becoming friends then, huh? Hyuka needs more friends than the same four boys he sees every day," Mr. Huening says. I laugh a little at the nickname he uses for Hueningkai.

"Dad, my friends are great. I'm not abandoning them, just making a new- friend," He says. The stress on the word friend isn't something I think the adults pick up on, but I giggle a little bit.

I wave goodbye to Kai as my family heads back over to our house. It's gotten dark now, and the air has a chill to it that it didn't have earlier either. I shiver a little bit, reminded of the same feeling of electricity I felt in the kitchen just a bit ago. We stumble into the kitchen, my parents clearly both having had a little bit of alcohol.

"So, you and Hyuka are getting along well then?" My mom says with a little smile.

"Yeah, actually," I say, grabbing a glass for water. "He invited me out with his friends tomorrow morning. He'll pick me up at 12:30, if that's okay?"

I normally would have had to beg for permission to go out with my friends instead of staying home and studying like I do most nights, but my parents are clearly in a good mood today. Plus, there's nothing for me to study. It's summer and I have no obligations- something I've always wanted to have happen.

"Sure. Kai seems like a nice boy, and I'm sure his friends are the same," My dad says, patting me on the back. "Even if he did throw food at me."

"Dad! That was one chip, and it was an accident!" I laugh. He laughs too, and I fill up my water glass before heading upstairs.

My blinds are still pulled firmly closed. I change into an oversized t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts before I pull the curtains back open. Hueningkai is at his desk, which faces the window. He waves a little, his hair bouncing as he does. I wave back and smile before climbing into my bed, dreaming of absolutely nothing.

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