" What about our feelings Yoonoh ? Doesn't it matter at all ? Are we puppets?"
Taeyong slapped the table hard.

" We are idols before human. Public figures before men. Don't make it hard for anyone here hyung please. Your actions will affect the whole group. Don't make people trend against you again . It's not good for any of us "

" Do you mean I'm a problem for the group Yoonoh ... Just say it damn it "

Yoonoh shut his eyes close. It was harder than he thought.

Because he cares . He cares for the older . But he can't just go away with wild Lee Taeyong. He sacrificed a lot to be here . He can't give up on anything now.
But he isn't gonna lie that he didn't lead Taeyong to this point . He was naive and young. Mesmerized by the older. He thought life would be easy with his bandmate . Flirting on screen ,being unfiltered, showing off his feelings was normal. What he didn't know that their every step would be judged . They can't find love . They can't be happy because they don't have the right . Between own group or outside, idols aren't suppose to have feelings for anyone. They need to feed fans delusions.
They need to keep all ships alive yet stay single and loveless.

But Yoonoh was still linked with Taeyong. Last night he got call from company and asked to talk to Taeyong. They also told him to manipulate the older emotionally but Yoonoh has no heart to do that since he has already hurt Taeyong for the sake of his image .

" Hyung please.... Don't be like this. You know damn well how people are. One silly mistake and we are done for . Our career has still long way to go . Don't do this. Stop fooling around ."

Taeyong was looking down at his feet. Trears threatening to fall down .

" Yoonoh ... Why is everyone against me ? I trusted you ... You are also talking like others "

" Hyung... Look at me... We came here to be idols. Not emotional freaks with weakness. We don't afford being like this. Please listen to me. You are our leader. We care for you . We don't want you to get hurt . "

" I'm talking about us Yoon... Everything.. from trainee days to now... "
Taeyong sniffed . He was trying his best not to cry . It was difficult. He wanted to hug the younger but ...

" Hyung I'm sorry.. but life doesn't go the way we want. You have to understand. You can't live in your own terms . Us... We... We were never a real thing. We had infatuation and it's gone with the slap of harsh reality. I don't wanna give you false hopes hyung... Don't think of anything unusual in kpop . Please"

" Okay "
Taeyong nodded and left Yoonoh in a flash move not letting the younger talk anymore. He was done listening to his bullshits. Of course Taeyong was aware of his agency making Yoonoh tell him not to fool around.
Fooling around huh...

With who?

Taeyong had little suspicion that his agency had idea about him and Jaehyun. But the two didn't have anything actually.
Or atleast that one time kiss didn't mean anything right ?

He took taxi and went home. His family home . He doesn't wanna deal with his bandmates now. Though he had his best friend Doyoung there who never judged him but it was too much for him .

He called his manager and informed him . His manager told him to send him live location once he gets home and that shocked Taeyong more.

Literally how much his agency wants to control his life?

" Taeyong is staying at his parents house. He send me his location. Though company doesn't trust him much . But we can't stop him from going home.
Does anyone know exactly what happened that he left suddenly?"
The other manager asked the members. His question was exactly to the 5th floor members but they didn't know anything.

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