Chapter 10 - What kind of dream is this?

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Rest in peace my humour... You were only here for the first 7 chapters... You will be forever loved by my lovely readers and me... And my will to write... Rest in peace too buddy...

Warning: Cussing, it gets sad and dark...


"Heyo ______!" You turned around only to see Anna looking her usual cheerful self. You smiled at your best friends as she was by her side.

You and Anna were walking in the cold winter weather on your way to school. The two of you would always meet up like this every morning.

But there was something unusual about her cheerful tone. It sounds way too cheerful. Too cheerful...

"Hey Anna." you replied. You brushed off the unusualness of Anna and started a casual conversation. "Oh guess what happene-"

"I have to tell you something ______." Anna's tone and face changed. She darkly looked at you.

You felt your heartbeat suddenly rising from Anna's glare. It scared you.

"W-what?" You asked nervously. But you regretted asking.

"I hate you."

Those three words stabbed you in the chest like a thousand knives. Those three simple words killed you.


"You're so selfish and annoying! All you ever do is talk about these stupid video game characters! They're not even fucking real yet you treat them like they are! I wish I could just punch you in the face but I just had to tolerate with your shit! I try to change the subject but you just go back to it! I only play that shitty ass Super Smash Bros. game because you won't stop fucking begging me and shutting up about it! Why can't you just know that I don't want to listen to all this crap! Not only that you always get what you want! You're so spoiled it makes me sick! You ask for something and you get it without even trying! While I, don't get shit no matter what I do!"

Anna screamed at you in passionate anger. She kept screaming at you endlessly. This whole thing is hurting you. Your best friends telling you all this, the words she's saying and everything.

After Anna finish her rant, she turned around and ran up ahead, away from you.

You stood there. Tear were coming out of your eyes. You can't believe what just happened.

'Please tell me this is a nightmare...'

YoU bEttER WaTCh oUt wHat YoU wIsh fOr ______ dEAr.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" You screamed at the top of lungs as you felt darkness covering up your legs. Like some monster trying climb up to your mind.

There, you saw a face of a girl who looked just like you expect with piercing red eyes and grey hair. She was the embodiment of the darkness.

oR yOu'Ll ReGrEt iT aND dEsTOry yOurSeLf!

"______!" You suddenly woke up and saw Rosalina by your laying figure. You were breathing heavily and sweat is everywhere on your face.

"Are you alright?" Rosalina asked you in concern. You couldn't reply from how horrid the nightmare was.

Good thing it was a dream...

"Did you have a nightmare?" Rosalina asked as you slowly nodded your head. You slowly sat up.

"Yeah..." you replied. The nightmare was the worst nightmare you ever had.

"It's okay now. It's just a dream." Rosalina pat your back in reassurance. You merely smiled at Rosalina's sympathy.

Rosalina's Luma waddled to your lap as you automatically cheered up. You petted it's head and giggle of how cute these creatures are.

"______, Something happened and you have see this." Rosalina tone turned serious as she stood up and exited the tent.

You got out of your cot and followed her. You got out of the tent and saw something breathtaking. It was a beautiful sight.

The world seemed to have broken into tiny pieces which were floating islands. Clouds everywhere and the sky was a beautiful cerulean.

Ruined building were on most of the islands. The island you are on right now seems to be huge enough to fit the whole entire camp.

But something was there as well. The moon. Even with the time being day. The moon stood there. It's so much closer as well!

"Wow..." you said in awe. "What happened?"

"I don't know either. It may be a beautiful sight but something's going on." said Rosalina. "Come on, we have to meet up with the others."

Rosalina walk towards the other tents and so did you. Everyone seems to be already awake and aware about the world.

"Oh good morning Rosalina and ______." Palutena noticed the two of you coming in.

"Good morning." The maiden replied to the goddess. "What is it that we all have to discuss about?"

"Well we'll start when everyone's awake and aware about what has happens to our surroundings." Palutena replied to Rosalina as she stared into the scenery.

beWaRE ______. tHiS mIgHT bE HapPeNIng beCaUSe oF yOu

You winced at the eerie voice from your dream suddenly playing in your head. You gripped onto your scalp as you flinched. Like your scalp was like your sanity.

Palutena and Rosalina took notice from your sudden abrupt action.

"What's wrong ______?" Rosalina asked you in concern. You just denied it.

"I'm f-fine..." you respond to the maiden. Rosalina believed your response but still had her doubts.

iT's nOt gOOd tO liE ______


Hello! Jello!

This story reached 6k reads and 2 hundred and something votes and 1 hundred and something comments!

Thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting and enjoying my story!

I hope you don't mind if this Arc is dark, sad and adventure type of stuff.

Anyway see ya!

A Smashing Adventure!! - SSB x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ