Chapter 4

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Call Convo

Manjul:Sid,you said that Rits left the ship then a lot of money is spent on makeup and dress,Is it really for Rits?

Sid:Goodbye Manjul call you later

Manjul:Hello.....sid...sid are you there?

End Of Convo

Sid's pov

I hope this plan would work,but what if it fails NO think positive sid,the captain came to me and said that I should come to the hall with Rits right now..oh well he thinks Avneet to be Rits.After sometime Avneet came descending the stairs as a fairy....what no CHEEE!sid what are you thinking she is just helping me yeah that's all.

Captain:You Mr Siddharth Nigam do you accept Miss Ritikka as your wife even if she is poor or disabled are you willing to love her for the rest of your life? 

Sid:I do

Captain:You Miss Ritikka do you accept Mr Siddharth Nigam as your husband even if he is poor or disabled are you willing to love him for the rest of your life?

Avu:I do

Captain:Very well then you may kiss now

And then we kissed.

The next morning


both of them were in the bed naked!!they closed their eyes 

With sid's grandma

Oh Riyaz you're one of the best dealers I have seen you're kind and good mannered.My pleasure grandma Riyaz said.

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