Chapter 3

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Avu went inside her room and saw..................


she changed her dress and went out to look for mike,suddenly she got a call from him and mike said that he'll be there in a minute and told avu to wait for him in the dining room.

Sid's pov

After changing my dress I went to look for rits,?I saw a note on the bed and it reads Sid I know that you are angry with me but I got selected as the white swan and you know its my dream for so long,sooo I'm leaving goodbye

                                                                      with love rits

I was hella angry on her how can she leave me stranded on the ship like that I even told the captain to arrange for our marriage this evening,and now I should cancel it,thats when I noticed the specs girl walking outside,a few moments later I saw her boyfriend walking inside the room with another girl is that guy cheating on her where is she? Just then I heard him saying "that Avneet is such a fool,I'm taking advantage of her and she blindly believes me she doesn't know that I'm cheating on her" I recorded it in my phone.

I went to the dining room and saw her waiting for her boyfriend,little did she know that he was cheating on her.Anyways I went to the table and started eating the food "what are you doing?" she asked me "eating food" I answered "but its for my boyfriend" she said,but her so called bf is cheating on her "my ring is missing" I answered " you lost it again,let's find it not right now as i'm in the middle of a date"  she really is naive "I think that you stole it" I said "what ,if you think that I stole it then why would I help you in the first place" she said "if you really are innocent then I need to check your room,here is your card" I said handing over the card to her.

                                                        We went to her room and caught her bf cheating on her red-handed,you should see his expressions

Mike:Avneet,what are you doing here,I told you to wait for me in the dining room

Avu:mike where you cheating on me?

Mike:No I was just-

Avu:Then who is this girl?

Mike:Avneet let me explain this woman came here to borrow some clothes as her dress was drenched,and she stumbled and fell on top of me.That was it okay


Sid:well then what about this

I said playing the voice clip of that jerk,he tried to snatch it from me but he couldn't and again he started;

Mike:ok,I admit I'm a jerk but what about you avneet what were you doing with this guy over here,you're cheating on me as well

Sid:we are not in a relationship, she is a friend of mine plus I already have a Gf.So mind your words

Mike:whatever I am leaving

Saying so the jerk left.Both of us went outside you don't have to worry about me I'm fine she said,she continued;you should probably be with your girlfriend right know its not good to keep her waiting She said.Before I could propose her,she went to pursue her dream of becoming a white swan I told her.She looked a bit shocked,If it was me I would have definitely said yes.She replied I just smiled at her 

                                            End of Sid's pov

Avu:You see both of us are like sticky notes people use us but finally we end up in the trash bin.

Sid:nope,but if we make ourselves  useful in some way or another then it won't be like that.

Avu nodded in response.Suddenly an announcement was being made

Today's special event, we are celebrating Mr Siddharth Nigam and Miss Ritikka Badiani's engagement ceremony,Both of them are reported to arrive at the hall within 10 mins.

Sid:oh shit what am I supposed to do now?

Avu:Don't worry you helped me a lot of times now its my turn to help you

                                                 What is cooking in Avu's mind?

                                                  What about the engagement?

                                      Do vote and give your valuable comments

                                                               cya next week

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