Part 9: The Aftermath

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pairing: loki x reader

word count: 1337

warnings: a singular mention of sex


I wake up to Loki's lips on my cheek. "We've just landed," he murmurs. "And my leg is asleep."

"Sorry about that," I say back, slipping out of his lap. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"You just look so cute when you sleep. I couldn't resist."

"Alright, Prince Charming."

Loki grins.


When we're back at the compound and everyone is sullen with jet-lag, Tony calls us into the living room. We all spread out on the couches, with Loki sitting next to me. He puts his arms around me and I lean into his side.

"First of all, I wanna say good job to everyone," Tony says, a little rushed. "You did great, but not everyone can be a winner, yadda yadda yadda and whatnot. Before get to the prize for our lovely winners..." He says 'lovely' with sarcasm, of course. He didn't expect Loki and me to win, so he's naturally a little bitter than we exceeded his expectations.

Tony turns toward Loki. "My Pikachu, please."

Loki nods and pats his body down, looking for the flash drive. Everyone watches with anticipation and increasing anxiety as Loki comes up short.

"I must've..." he trails off, looking dejectedly at the ground.

"Reindeer Games you did not lose my flash drive. Someone tell me he did not seriously lose my flash drive."

Loki regards him with a look of pity. Tony is fuming and storms over to Loki, towering above him on the couch.

"Did you lose my fucking flash drive?"

The room is silent. Clint sighs and gets up to make himself a glass of water, obviously bored with the antics while everyone holds their breath.

Loki rolls his eyes and snaps his fingers reluctantly. The Pikachu-shaped flash drive rests in his hands. Loki holds it out to Tony.

"One of these days, I will kill you," Tony grumbles, stuffing the drive in his pocket.

"Love you too, Stark."

Once Tony is done being angry at Loki, he crosses his arms and looks at the two of us. "Now I don't wanna give you the prize for completing the mission."

"I thought the prize was 'epic bragging rights'?" you said with confusion.

"Reindeer Games, I swear to God--" Tony pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.

I swat Loki's arm while he smile mischievously. The others grumble in disappointment.

"You're telling me you put up with Loki's shit for epic bragging rights?" Sam laughed.

"It's not like I had a choice!" I say, throwing my hands in the air. "It was my punishment for being reckless, per Tony."

"Aw, now that's not nice," Loki says. "You can't tell me you didn't enjoy it a little bit."

"Why would anyone enjoy working with you?" Clint shouts from the kitchen.

Loki shrugs and looks at me with knowing eyes. "It has its perks."

I feel my face go warm and shove him lightly, pretending to be upset with him. But it still makes me wonder, "What is the prize, then?"

"Right," Tony addresses. "Well, for your skillful work and bravery, you and Loki will receive two full days free from work and responsibilties. No meetings, no paperwork, no missions. Just ..." he grumbles, "relaxation."

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