Chapter Twelve: The game of the Diggory's

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"Well Ronnie he came to my house during the break and apologized to Cedric about his arm and then explained that whole situation about Angelina so we forgave him and I told him to tell Angelina to back off and I'd go to hogsmade this weekend with him" Phoenix explained Ron looked at her and gave her a soft smile

"Well Phoenix I have to say you're pretty smart for doing that and I can see you make Fred happy like he used to be" Ron said cheerfully as they walked into class

"Thanks Ronnie I just hope he doesn't slip anymore" Phoenix said smiling as lupin began class. Class thankfully went by fast as everyone started getting excited for the game. Phoenix said goodbye to Ron and left to get ready for the game. Phoenix bolted down the hallway and ran all the way up the stairs to Ravenclaws port and got her quidditch gear on and put her jersey back on and Phoenix braided her hair into boxer braids and grabbed her broom. Phoenix headed downstairs to the entrance hall to meet Ron and Harry but ran over and linked arms with the two.

"So how was Dumbledore?" Phoenix asked

"Not good he's getting worried someone is helping Sirius black around the castle" Harry explained

"I bet it's Snape he's always up to something" Ron snared as we heard Hufflepuff cheering for Cedric and Ravenclaw cheering for me this could go either way tonight and I wasn't planning on loosing.

"Well boys wish me luck and enjoy the brawl against the Diggory siblings" Phoenix teased as she broke off from Harry and Ron as they headed up to her side.

"Good luck Phe!" Harry and Ron shouted she smiled and walked over to Ravenclaw's team.

"OI Diggory!" Fred shouted Phoenix looked over and seen Fred sitting with George and Lee as they were clapping and cheering for her. Phoenix smiled and gave them a thumbs up. They got into position and she faced Cedric and they both had the same evil smirk.

"No heart feelings sis" Cedric chuckled as he made a X with his arms

"Now don't go crying to dad once our team wins" Phoenix teased as she returned the X. Cedric shook his head and Madam hooch got the Bludger and the snitch ready.

"Witches and warlocks welcome to the first game back from the holidays today is gonna be the best game because we have Phoenix and Cedric Diggory playing opposite teams let's see how this go folks" Lee shouted

Madam hooch walked over to the middle of the pitch and they all got ready to fly off and the beaters were ready for the Bludger's.

"Remember Phoenix" Hayden shouted Phoenix thumbed up and the whistle blew. She flew off and grabbed the quiffle and pushed Edward Simpson away from her. Fred cheered and saw Cedric coming fast towards her. Cedric shoved into Phoenix but she pushed him right back and flew faster and slammed the quiffle through the goal post. Ron, Harry, Hermoine, George, Lee and Fred all cheered as they saw Phoenix going after James Roberts and her brother as they were passing the quiffle to each other. Phoenix took a breath and jumped off her broom and dove over the two boys and caught the quiffle and luckily landed back on her broom. Ravenclaws stands roared and Phoenix's team clapped. Cedric whipped around the pitch and came flying fast towards his sister. Phoenix passed the quiffle to Lisa and made Cedric slam into Phoenix while Lisa scored another goal. Cedric and Phoenix fell to the ground and she rolled off her brother and gasped for air. Fred got scared since he didn't see Phoenix move. She stuck up her thumb and got up quickly.

"IM OKAY!!" Phoenix shouted

"Damn it Phoenix" Cedric groaned as she  mounted back on her broom

"Hey! Don't hate the player hate the game!!" Phoenix shouted as she went flying back into the game. Cedric went after Lisa and she secretly passed my the quiffle.

Phoenix (Fred Weasley love story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora