Howlers and Again with Goldilocks

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Chapter 5: Howlers and Again with Goldilocks

Claire stood in the middle of a dark empty room. The only light coming from the tip of her wand which she held tightly in her hand. It was too quiet. All she heard was drops of water hitting the floor, echoing throughout the room. Suddenly, she began to hear the familiar rhythmic pattern of a drum. It slowly grew louder and then faded. It was quiet again. Claire took a step forward and she distinctively heard something slithering on the ground like a snake. A hissing sound filled the room. She listened closely and she could make out some words. Let me rip you...kill you...Claire....Claire...let me kill you.....Claire...

"Claire! Wake up! You're going to be late!" Claire opened her eyes. She really needed to stop having these crazy dreams. She hadn't had one since last year and she wasn't particularly happy about having to start the term yet again with another weird, disturbing dream. Nothing bad is going to happen this year. She thought to herself. At least, I hope not.

"Claire, if you aren't up in the next five seconds, I will be forced to resort to drastic measures." Hermione said.

"Fine, I'm getting up! Geez, don't get your knickers in a twist!" Claire exclaimed, throwing the covers off herself and getting out of the bed.

"There! Happy!?" Claire said, gesturing that she was no longer in bed.

Hermione smiled satisfied and went over to her dresser taking out her uniform. Claire headed to the showers with her uniform and a towel. After taking a shower, doing her hair, and pulling on her uniform, she went back to her dorm to grab her school bag. She noticed Hermione wasn't in their dorm. She assumed she was already downstairs. Claire checked her bag making sure she had everything. She had her wand, her textbooks, the blue book she got last year, the Sonic Screwdriver, and the mysterious diary in her bag. After checking her bag, she went downstairs and saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione waiting for her.

"Finally! I'm starved!" Ron exclaimed.

"You're always starved." Claire retorted. "Oh, by the way.." Claire smacked Ron then Harry upside the head earning a 'Bloody Hell!' from Ron and a 'Ow!' from Harry.

"What was that for?!" Harry exclaimed, rubbing his sore head.

"Does this sound familiar: 'Oh, let's go drive the Ford Anglia to Hogwarts! It doesn't matter if the Muggles happen to see a flying car in the air. They won't suspect anything!'?" Claire said, glaring at the both of them.

"We panicked! We didn't think-" Ron was cut off.

"Oh, it's definitely obvious you two didn't think. I mean, Ron, why didn't you two just wait for your parents to come back or send a letter to Dumbledore? You're lucky you weren't tree food." Claire said.

"It's not like we planned on flying into the Whomping Willow. And the only reason the car was seen by those Muggles was because the Invisibility Booster stopped working." Ron said.

"Well, next time, how about you both actually think before you do. It saves you a lot of trouble." Hermione chimed in.

"At least you're not dead. Now, let's go eat!" Claire said, opening the portrait.

"They're both mental, Harry!" Ron muttered, earning himself a glare from both Hermione and Claire.

The four friends headed down to breakfast. As soon as they sat down, they began piling food on their plates. Hermione pulled out her copy of Voyages with Vampires and propped it against a milk jug as she ate. Claire rolled her eyes at Hermione and ate her food.

"Good morning, Claire, Harry, Ron, Hermione!" Neville greeted them.

"Good morning, Neville." Claire replied.

Harry Potter and Claire Smith's Adventures Book TwoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant