Chapter 1

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Miranda Bailey was a surgical intern at Grey Sloan Memorial, she had done her internship their as well. She was at the top of her class in med school and she is the best resident that the hospital has had in a while. One of the attending's last year quit so their have been some rumors about the new attending.
"Hey Miranda, you excited to meet the surgical attending." Callie asked while shoving her purse in the locker.
Callie was Miranda's best friend since internship and they actually live together in a two bedroom apartment not to far away from the hospital.
"Yeah girl, I honestly hope it's a woman because we need more woman power around this hospital." Miranda laughed.
"You got that right but we need to go or we'll be late for rounds." Callie mentioned as the two walked out of the locker room.
The two women walked to the patients room where they would begin rounds.
"Is that him." Callie asked pointing to a tall dark man with some facial hair and short black wavy hair.
"Well I'm glad we it's not a women attending because now we get to look at that all day." Miranda whispered.
"Well I like guys and girls so either way it would have been fine with me." Callie laughed.
They followed the handsome doctor into the patients room with several other residents.
"Let's see Dr.Bailey, can you present for us today." the new doctor asked.
Miranda grabbed the chart from the patients bed and began explaining what was wrong with the patient.
"Yes this is Jennifer Randall, she has a femoral hernia and is scheduled to have surgery at 12:30 this afternoon." Miranda closed the chart and held it at her chest.
"Okay thank you Dr.Bailey and Ms.Randall I will see you this afternoon." he winked and walked out of the room with the residents following him.
They walked to the next patients room but didn't go in yet.
"I didn't actually introduce myself this morning but I am Dr.Warren and I am your new general surgery attending and I look forward to working with you all." the doctor smiled and walked into the patients room.
They finished their rounds and Miranda had to check up on one her patients that was basically dying but the family wanted him on life support for god knows why. Miranda looked at the monitor and did some other things and he was still gorked.
"Hey Dr.Bailey, do you mind speaking with me in my office for a moment." Dr.Webber asked, he was the chief of surgery.
"Of course chief." Miranda looked nervous.
Bailey followed him to his office and sat down in the chair in front of his desk.
"So you're basically my got to person for many things so what do you think about the new general surgery attending."
"Well I've only seen him for about 10 minutes but we have a surgery later so how about I tell you a little more after that." Miranda smiled and stood up from the chair.
"Okay Bailey but you better have a report for me at the end of the day." Dr.Webber pointed to her as she walked out the door.
About 3 hours had passed and Miranda was scrubbing in for the hernia surgery that her and Dr.Warren had.
"Hello Dr.Bailey." he said as he walked through the doors.
"Good afternoon Dr.Warren, the patient is getting prepped now and will be ready in about 5 minutes."
"Sounds good, you know if I read your resume correctly it said you were at the top of your class at Wellesley."
"Yep, I sure was." Miranda smiled and nodded her head.
"You know my ex wife went their for psychology, she always said it was a really good school."  Dr.Warren scrubbed his fingernails.
"Ex wife."
"Yes actually, married and divorced at a young age, no kids, no pets, and a house payment that I have to make by myself."
"I don't know if I'm supposed to have pity for you or not."
"Your choice." Ben winked and walked into the or and Miranda followed him.
They started the surgery and conversed throughout it and before Miranda knew the surgery was over with and everything went well.
"You were wonderful in that OR, I mean you knew where to place very stitch before I had to say something." Ben was amazed.
"Well thank you." Miranda blushed.
"I hope I'm not coming off to strong but would you like to go get a drink after our shift."
"Sure I'll meet you at Joe's bar across the street at 8." Miranda smiled.
Miranda hadn't realized that she had actually said yes, her brain was thinking no of course not but her mouth said yes.
"Great I'll see you tonight." Ben left and went on with his day.
Miranda was panicking but she only had 4 hours left of her shift so she figured she go get lunch and check up on a few more patients. Miranda met up with Callie in the cafeteria and they found a table.
"So I accidentally signed myself up for something." Miranda said grabbing an apple.
"Ohh what." Callie exclaimed.
"Well I don't think it's a date but I said yes to go get drinks with Dr.Warren tonight."
"How the hell did that happen."
"Well he asked if I wanted to go get a drink later on tonight and so I meant to say no but my mouth just said yes."
"You know that's a sign, if you meant to say no but you said yes then you really like him and you two would look really good together." Callie gave the food cashier her card.
"Slow down we're just going to get a few drinks and call it a night." Miranda told Callie.
"Okay tiger." Callie and Miranda both laughed and went and ate their food.
Miranda didn't have much to do for the rest of the day so she figured she would work on some charts, once she finished her charts, she checked in her patients before a shift change and headed home for the night. Miranda got home at around 6:30, so she figured she would sleep for about 30 minutes then take a shower.
"Dammit Callie, if you don't start picking up these clothes in the living room." Miranda said to herself.
"Hello." some woman came out of Callie's room and scared the shit out of Miranda.
"Who the hell are you."
"Oh I'm Arizona Robbins, I'm Callie's girlfriend, did she not tell you about because she talks about you constantly."
"I guess you already know I'm Miranda and Callie has spoken about you I just didn't know you two were dating." Miranda was a little annoyed by how much the perky blonde talked so much.
"Yeah so do you know when Callie will be here." Arizona asked.
"I think at like 7 but I'm going to go get tested up tonight because I have plans but it was nice to meet you." Miranda stuck her hand out to shake Arizona's but instead Arizona gave her a hug.
"Nice to meet you to Miranda." Arizona smiled.
Instead of sleeping, Miranda turned on her tv and watched some Criminal Minds before she got in the shower. While in the shower she heard Callie come in the door and she heard Arizona talking about how nice Miranda was. She finished her shower and blowed dried her hair which she would eventually curl. Miranda put on some lotion and went to pick out an outfit, she found some light blue denim ripped jeans, an off the shoulder white knit sweater, and a pair of black faux suede ankle boots.
"So what do you think, I mean I still have to put on some make up and curl my hair but other than that." Miranda asked walking down the hallway to the living room where Callie and Arizona were.
"You look so good." Arizona complimented.
"I've seen you look better." Callie shoved some popcorn in her mouth.
"Girl please but I'll be back out in a little bit." Miranda walked back to her room to finished getting ready.
She curled her hair and she put on her makeup and put on a nude lipstick color, she grabbed her keys off her nightstand and said goodbye to her friends. The drive to the bar she was a little nervous because he technically was her boss but it's nothing she couldn't handle. Miranda got to the bar, she walked in and seen Ben in the corner of the bar, when she got to the table it's like Ben's eyes were glued to her waist.
"I'm so glad you could make it." Ben greeted Miranda.
"Of course I wasn't going to blow you off."
"Well it wouldn't be the first time that's happened."
"What ignorant woman would stand you up." Miranda sat in the booth and sat her wallet on the table.
"One to many, but you look great and I hope this isn't weird or anything considering that I am your boss."
"When we're at work you're are boss but when I'm not working you're a friend." Miranda placed her hand on his and felt the veins in his hands.
"Thanks, I mean I just moved here last week so I don't have many friends."
"How about we order a few drinks and get to know each other."
"That's sounds great." Ben smiled.
They ordered some drinks and started hitting things off.
"So first when we're not at work we should call each other by our first names." Ben suggested.
"Alright, so Ben where are you originally from since you said you moved here last week."
"Well Miranda I am from Maine and went to med school at NYU and went back to my hometown to work as a general surgeon."
"Wow so you probably worked your ass off to get into NYU."
"You bet, now why did you come all the way to Seattle from Boston." Ben asked taking a sip of his drink.
"Well it was mainly my parents because they annoyed the piss out of me but I have two sisters at home that will come see me at the holidays but Grey Sloan is such a good teaching hospital and when I seen that I got a job I couldn't pass it up."
"I can understand that and I can understand the sibling part as well because I have two brothers, Kurt and Darius. I'm actually the middle child, Kurt is 30, I'm 36, and Darius is 40."
"No way I'm the middle child too, my older sister Danielle is 34, then me, and last V which is Veronica who is 28 and please tell me at least one of your siblings is married because mine aren't and they constantly talk about their pathetic love lives." Miranda said.
"Actually yes, Darius is married and has two boys and one girl and Kurt on the other hand is in a relationship but who knows how that's going." Ben laughed enjoying Miranda's company.
"Well that's good for them and I bet you enjoy seeing your niece and nephews."
"I do and every time I see them they get so much more grown."
"If you don't minds me asking how old are they."
"I don't mind, my niece is 18 going on 31 and the boys are actually twins so they are both 14 and speaking of ages I just know realizes that you never said how old you were when talking about yourself and your siblings." Ben finished his sentence and ordered more drinks for him and Miranda.
"As the saying goes a women never reveals her age but I'll tell you anyways, I am 32 actually." Miranda ate some of the peanuts that were on the table.
"Come on now, quit playing."
"No I really am 32, would you like to see my I.D." Miranda started to grab her wallet.
Ben stopped Miranda from grabbing her wallet and walked to sit down on the same side of the booth she was.
"Miranda I really like you and I hope you like me back because if you didn't me being this close in you face would just be very awkward." Ben smiled and waited for Miranda to respond.
"It's okay Ben I really like you too and we feel this attracted to each other when we're just getting to know one another, you know somethings going right." Miranda put her hand on his knee.
"Would you mind if I kissed you."
"I would actually enjoy that." Miranda grinned.
Ben went in for her lips and Miranda did the same to Ben, he slipped a little tongue in her mouth feeling the warmth of her body. He caressed Miranda's back with his hand and the other hand was on her thigh.
"Hey do you want to go to a park, I know it's like 11pm but would you." Ben asked as he held out his hand for Miranda to grab.
Miranda instantly grabbed Ben's hand and he threw a one hundred dollar bill on the table and they left the bar. They drove Ben's car and he found the nearest park which was about 10 minutes away. The drive their they talked more about themselves.
"Finally we're here." Ben said as he pulled into a parking space.
They got out of the car and Miranda followed Ben to the swings.
"So we're here, now what." Miranda asked.
"Come on follow me a little bit further." Ben exclaimed.
Ben took Miranda to a pool that was closed.
"What are we doing at a pool." Miranda was confused.
"We're gonna sneak in and go for a night time swim." Ben picked the gate with a key that he had.
"Ben Warren, we cannot do that, that is breaking the law."
"Miranda it's okay, just cut loose for once." Ben said finally getting the door opened.
They walked into the enclosed pool area and Ben took off his shirt, when Miranda seen his abs she just wanted to do every bad thing to him that she could think of.
"Come on, we're not going to get caught their is no one here so take off your shirt and pants and have some fun." Ben took off his jeans and jumped in the pool with his boxers on.
Miranda did as she was told and she only had her bra and panties on, she jumped into the pool and splashed Ben.
"Oh my lord are you not cold." Miranda asked Ben as she shivered.
"Not really but my body heat might help or you can jump up and down to warm yourself up." Ben smirked.
"I think I'll take a lap around the pool." Miranda took off swimming.
Ben followed her and stayed right beside her, they stayed in the pool for about an hour and a half before they both kind of got cold.
"Oh no I guess when we jumped into the pool it got my shirt wet." Miranda said sitting down on a chair.
"Here just take mine." Ben handed her his Kobe Bryant t-shirt.
"I'm so sorry Ben, trust me I wouldn't do this on purpose."
"Miranda it's fine, now how about I take you home, we kiss at your door and we exchange numbers."
"That sounds good." Miranda slipped on the shirt.
They left the pool that they snuck into but Miranda didn't bother putting on her shoes. They got to Miranda and Callie's apartment and Ben walked Miranda to the door.
"Okay well I guess our night had come to an end." Ben said as he looked down at Miranda in her eyes.
"Yeah I guess so but didn't you say we would kiss before we said goodbye or something like that."
"I think I did didn't I." Ben laughed and put Miranda's chin between two of his fingers between her chin. Ben leaned down and kissed her passionately making Miranda moan a little in his mouth.
"Here is my card with my number on it and I hope you give me a call or text me." Ben put the card in the back pocket of her jeans.
"I sure will and I guess I'll see you around at the hospital." Miranda licked her lips.
"Goodnight Miranda Bailey."
"Goodnight Ben Warren."
Miranda watched him drive away and she walked in the apartment and tip toed to her room hoping Callie and Arizona wouldn't hear her but she failed.
"Get in here Miranda." Callie sounded like Miranda's mother.
"What." Miranda asked rolling her eyes.
"Give us the details." Arizona said sitting up from fake sleeping.
"Well we hit it off by talking to each other about ourselves and then around 11 we went and snuck into this closed pool and hung out there for an ho and well now I'm back here." Miranda sat her shoes on Callie's bed.
"That explains why your hair is wet and they is definitely not the shirt you left the house with." Callie pointed to the t-shirt.
"Yeah well mine got wet so he offers his to me and yeah so now I'm going to get some sleep and I'm going to sleep in since we have the day off." Miranda got up from the bed and walked to her bedroom.
Miranda was going to FaceTime her sisters in the morning and tell them all about her night but right Miranda was going to sleep.

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