Chapter 4

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Shoutout to @jabugg2002 for being the first to comment on the last chapter, hope you enjoy this one and thanks for the support.🤍

Miranda was working the night shift at the hospital tonight and it was pretty boring.
"Whatcha doin." Ben walked up behind his girlfriend and kissed her neck.
"Well I was actually finishing some charts and then about to head home." Miranda rubbed her pregnant belly.
Miranda was 1 month pregnant and she had a small small belly bump but it wasn't noticeable.
"Well I'll be out of here in thirty so would you mind waiting up."
"Of course me and our little munchkin will wait on you." Miranda kissed his cheek and walked to the locker room and called her sister Danielle.
"Hey is everything okay Miranda." Danielle asked picking up the phone.
"Yeah everything's fine, I was just wondering what you were up to."
"Nothing much me and Justin are just hanging out at the house waiting on a pizza we ordered."
"Okay well I'll talk to you later because me and Ben are about to go home." Miranda yawned and threw her purse in her shoulder.
"Okay talk to you tomorrow." Danielle made a kissing sound over the phone and then hung up.
Ben walked into the locker room and started changing his clothes. After they found out Miranda was pregnant they bought a 4 bedroom, 5 bath, modern suburban home about five minutes down the street from Danielle and Veronica. Ben finished changing into his street clothes and him and Miranda walked to his car.
"Babe I'm really craving some Taco Bell." Miranda got into Ben's Dodge Challenger.
"Anything for you my love." Ben kissed Miranda's hand and he drove to the nearest Taco Bell.
They go to the drive thru and Ben ordered Miranda the chicken quesadillas and a Baja blast to drink.
"Did you not want anything babe." Miranda asked Ben as he handed her the food.
"No, I had a snack before I left the hospital and I'll probably just heat up some leftovers at home." Ben drove to their house.
The drive their Miranda ate her food and finished by the time they got to the house. Ben helped Miranda out of the car.
"Babe I record the Seahawks football game from earlier so do you want to watch it with me." Ben asked walking to the kitchen to heat up some chicken.
"As long as you give me a foot rub and then I will." Miranda licked her lips and smiled.
"Deal." Ben responded.
He finished heating up his food and he joined Miranda in the living room and turned on the recoded game. Ben ate his food and Miranda looked at social media.
"Alright if you want your feet rubbed get them up here." Ben gestured to Miranda to give him her feet.
"It's about time." Miranda put her feet in his lap and Ben continued watching the game.
It was around 1am and the game had just finished and Miranda had fell asleep with her head on Ben's chest.
"Miranda baby wake up, we need to go lay in our bed." Ben whispered and kissed her on the forehead.
"Mmm what time is it." Miranda rubbed her eyes.
"It's like 1:30 so can we go lay down now."
"Yeah I'm coming." Miranda got off the couch.
Their bedroom was downstairs which was nice because the more Miranda grew with the baby the harder it would be to travel up the stairs. They went to the bedroom and Ben put on a pair of plaid pajama pants and went without a shirt and Miranda put on a pair of booty shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top. Ben tuned in the tv and turned the volume down so Miranda could get some rest.
"Ben can you please turn the tv off." Miranda said but she seen Ben had fallen asleep.
She reached him for the remote and when she did Ben kissed her chest.
"You bitch." Miranda laughed and hit his chest.
"I'm sorry babe I just didn't feel like moving." Ben moved closer to her and put his arm around her waist.
"It's fine but I'm going to sleep now." Miranda kissed Ben's cheek and closed her eyes.
"Love you." Ben said.
"Love you too." Miranda replied.
The next morning Ben had got up earlier than Miranda and went to the living room to watch tv. Miranda woke up and seen that Ben wasn't beside her, she heard the tv and assumed he was in there.
"Is anything good on." Miranda walked up behind Ben and kissed the back of his neck.
"Yeah ESPN." Ben laughed and Miranda sat next to him.
"Oh my lord, what time is your shift because I'm off and while you're gone I'm going to eat lunch with my sisters and Callie to tell them the news about our munchkin.
"I have to be in at 11 and you know they're going to freak out babe." Ben sat with his eyes set on the tv.
"Yeah they are but you know we need to meet up with your parents and brothers so I can meet them and tell them the news."
"Yeah but when is a good time."
"What about this weekend." Miranda suggested as she rubbed her forehead.
"Sounds like a plan." Ben kissed Miranda and went back to watching tv
After a few hours Ben had gone to the hospital and Miranda was sitting at the Mexican restaurant with Callie and her sisters.
"So does anyone have any juicy plans this weekend cause I am free." Veronica dipped her margarita.
"Well me and Arizona are going to visit her parents and hopefully do a little ya know." Callie winked.
"Okay Callie I see you tryna have a spicy weekend with yo bae." Danielle said with a huge grin.
"What about you and Justin, what are you guys doing." Callie asked.
"Well Justin is in damn Texas of all places because he had an away game."
"That sucks honey, so it seems like you're free so we can go bar hopping this weekend, what about Miranda, you wanna go." Veronica asked her sister.
"I would love to but I am meeting Ben's brothers and parents this weekend and I have some exciting news to tell y'all." Miranda grabbed some shirts out her bag that says "The worlds best aunties" and handed it to each of the women.
They read the shirt and were confused but then got it.
"Wait Miranda are you actually pregnant." Callie asked widening her eyes.
Miranda nodded her head and had a huge smile on her face.
"I'm gonna be an auntie, I'm gonna ha an auntie." Danielle cheered.
"I'm so excited for you guys." Veronica gave Miranda hug.
"How far along are you." Danielle asked rubbing Miranda's stomach.
"Only a month so we still have a ways to go but I'm so excited."
"Do you want it to be a boy or girl." Callie asked tilting her head.
"Me and Ben talked about this, we just want the baby to be healthy but I know he wants a boy and he knows I want a girl." Miranda laughed.
"Well me and V want a nephew so we can buy some outfits for our boy and spoil him, right V." Danielle looked at Veronica and nodded her head.
"I'm team girl because well speaking for a woman I think it would be easier to get along with a girl because she would probably be more open with another female." Callie drank some of her water.
"I don't know about that Callie because our mom had 3 girls and we didn't tell our mom shit." Veronica replied to Callie.
"She ain't wrong." Miranda pursed her lips to the side.
The women had a great lunch and talked more about the baby and her pregnancy, after lunch Miranda did a little shopping and when she got home Ben was at the driveway waiting on her.
"Babe why are you in the driveway I though you had work." Miranda got out of her SUV.
"Yeah well about that family situation they are here now and they know you're pregnant and are really excited."
"Do what."
"Yeah but they are really excited to meet you and I hope you're excited meet them." Ben and Miranda walked in the front door and he seen Ben's family.
Miranda seen Darius, his wife and kids, Kurt, and Ben's parents.
"I hope this goes better than when you met my parents." Miranda whispered in his ear and he gave her a smirk.
"So you must be the wonderful Miranda Benji has been talking about. I'm Ben's mother Eileen and this is my husband Anthony." Ben's mother was very polite and well rounded.
Ben's father threw up a hand to Miranda and took a sip of his drink.
"Hi I'm Arielle, Darius's wife and these are our kids, Trinity, Tyler, and Trey." the teenagers shook Miranda's hand and so did Arielle.
"And last but not least we have Kurt." Ben walked Miranda towards his youngest brother.
"Hey nice to meet you." Kurt gave Miranda a hug.
"Right back at ya." Miranda smiled
Miranda trailed with Ben's family until she heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it and found it was her sister Danielle crying at the doorstep.
"Danielle what's wrong." Miranda walked with Danielle to the front porch.
"Can we go to you room and talk, I feel like it would be more comfortably their." Danielle suggested.
"Of course, now let's go." Miranda walked back through the door.
Her and Danielle had to walk through the living room where Ben's family was at to get to her bedroom so that caused a little disruption but Ben handled it.
"So that was one of Miranda's sisters which something is apparently wrong right now so I'm going to go check that out." Ben jogged to the bedroom where Miranda and Danielle were going.
"Danielle what the hell is wrong." Miranda asked as they sat on the bed.
"I found out Justin is having a baby with someone else, I think it's with a girl that he was with before we were together." Danielle wiped her eyes with a tissue.
"Did I hear that correctly." Ben asked as he walked in the room.
"Oh shit." Miranda said and gave Ben a look.
"How far along is this woman because I might know her." Ben asked sitting on the bed as well.
"I think Justin said her name was Stephanie and that she was about 5 months pregnant."
"Well that can't be right because he was with Stephanie from November to February which was only 3 months so she had to have been pregnant before November." Ben added the months together.
"Are you sure Ben because if so I need to call Justin asap." Danielle grabbed her phone.
"I'm sure." he nodded and Danielle dialed Justin's number while Miranda and Ben went back out to the living room.
"I am so sorry about that, that was my sister who has some stuff going on right now." Miranda explained an Ben rubbed her shoulders.
"Honey we've all been there, so no need to apologize for it." Eileen squeezed Miranda's wrist.
Everyone mingled with each other while Ben finished cooking spaghetti.
"Alrighty, dinner is served." Ben yelled and everyone walked to the kitchen to serve themselves.
After they all got their food they went to the dining room and discussed some things about the baby.
"So me and Miranda have been talking about the babies sex, we both agreed that it doesn't matter what it is as long as it healthy." Ben took a bite of bread.
"I agree with that statement but let's take a vote on what everyone wants the baby to be." Ben's mother smiled.
"Okay everyone who thinks or wants it to be a girl, raise your hand." Miranda said as she, Eileen, Trinity, Arielle, and Trey raised their hands.
"Alright so now if you think or want it to be a boy raise your hand." Ben put his hand up along with Darius, Anthony, Kurt, and Tyler.
"Well damn." Darius drank his whiskey and the rest of the table laughed.
After they finished dinner everyone left, Miranda and Ben said the goodbyes to them and went to their bedroom to lay down.
"I hope we have a girl." Miranda kissed Ben's neck.
"And I hope we have a boy." Ben kissed her back.
"Either way I'm going to be happy." Miranda said as Ben agreed with her.

-5 months later-
Miranda was now 6 months pregnant and today was her gender reveal party. Her parents weren't there because of the argument several months back but Miranda's sisters, Callie, and Arielle were wearing shirts that said "auntie to a new munchkin", Ben's brothers were wearing "uncle to a new munchkin" shirts, and his parents were wearing "grandma and grandpa to a new munchkin" shirts, and Ben and Miranda were wearing shirts that said "Parents to the new munchkin". They both were so excited they had so many decorations for a boy and for a girl, they had tallies of people who thought it was going to be a girl or boy. They had a boy side and a girl side with stick decorated in pink and blue, the party was also basketball themed since Ben was a huge basketball fan. The way they were going to reveal the babies gender was each of the aunts and uncles were going to have a basketball that you can put colored powder in it and only one had the pink or blue powder in it. They group was going to shoot free throws and whenever the ball hit the ground it would pop and the powder would come out of it. Guest were arriving at their house and they went to the backyard with all the decorations. Also Ben's niece and nephews got a shirt that had "cousin to a new munchkin" on the shirt. Once everyone was their they got pictures with everyone that was wearing the shirts Miranda had made.
"Arizona please come get in the picture, you're going to be family here in the next year." Miranda waved her over.
While Miranda had been pregnant, Callie had proposed to Arizona with a marry me sign at the top of the space needle.
"Fine but I don't have a shirt like you guys." Arizona stood beside Callie.
"But you do." Miranda threw one of the shirts at Arizona and smiled.
They finished taking pictures and everyone ate some burgers that Ben and Darius cooked.
"Okay guys I think it's time for the best part of the day, we're going to the reveal now but in a different way. So the aunties, uncles, and the cousins to be are going to each have a basketball and they have to make a free throw and one of the basketballs have to colored powder in it so whoever has that better make sure it's blue." Ben announced and the crowd laughed.
Everyone got in a line and they passed out the balls and made sure that the person last in line had the colored powder inside the ball. Darius went first but white powder came out and it did that to everyone until Callie came up and was the last one to shoot. She shot the basketball into the hoop and it hit the ground and blue powder went everywhere.
"It's a boy." Everyone shouted.
Ben was so happy after he got done cheering he grabbed Miranda by the waist and spun her around kissing her over and over again.
"I was right and you were wrong." Ben teased Miranda.
"Well maybe but I'm glad we get to have this baby boy together." Miranda kissed Ben again and they heard everyone cheer because it was a boy.

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