"I'm not!"

"You are! It makes sense! I thought for a moment...that you actually did like me back...but then he shows up. He wouldn't have came down here if you didn't unblock him. Why'd you unblock him?"

"Because you were mad at me so I was going to talk to him!"

"Oh, so you gave up on trying to get in my pants and moved back to him them?"

"That's not it at all!"

"You never liked me. You've never once made me feel like you liked me. You've never let me know that you find me attractive, I'm always the one who has to put effort into spending time with you, and to be honest I'm just realizing it was always like that. I always called you pretty and made plans and worked my ass off to make you happy. But you've never even blinked in my direction."

"But I am now! Look! I'm literally trying! I'll get on my knees and beg if that's what it takes."

"Forget it. I'm going home."

You almost had him, but his self confidence was so low at this point it would take one word and he would run away from you again. He didn't feel like he was able to be loved by anyone, let alone you. So when Colt arrived spreading nonsense and lies it sparked Connie's fight or flight. And he chose the second option.

"You fucking happy Colt?"

"Yes, now come home. I really miss you."

"What happened to that girl? Didn't you have your dick down her throat?"

"I was drunk. I don't even remember her name. But I drove all the way down here for you. Because I love you."

"Colt...listen I can't...fuck. Just leave."

"No way. I'm not leaving you here. At least let me take you home."

"I have a ride."

"Come on. Just let me drive you."


"Baby come on."

"Don't call me that and I said no."


"I think I head her say no. So fuck off."

You turned around to the voice behind to find Jean standing at the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Y/n come on. I'll take you home."

Colt raised an eyebrow and looked between you and Jean in confusion.

"So now your fucking with him?"

"Jean and I are friends and you have no right to say anything to me about fucking anyone."

"So now what? Your just gonna leave."

"Yes. When I said we were done I meant done. I put all your shit in the hallway for a reason."

"So we're ending it? Just like this."

"Yea I am. Colt your a good person and I really do think you actually love me. But I'm not going to sit around and allow you to hurt me and then pull some lame ass excuse out of your ass. This visit made me realize that I have self worth and there's people out there that recognize that. Connie is one hundred times the man you'll ever be Colt. Because I know in my heart he would never cheat on me or anyone for that matter. Connie is a kind and compassionate person who constantly puts himself before everyone else. He always has. I know I know that I never returned all the kindness he gave to me. When I met Connie he was a scared little kid at the park...and I took advantage of that unintentionally all my childhood.  My biggest mistake wasn't dating you Colt. I'll always have love for you, my biggest mistake was not loving Connie enough."

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