And soon they were on the coco.o set "okay, here's the set where Coco gets you to perform at the school dance. Oh, they're finishing a scene now." The women giving them a tour told them as Chloe turned around "gosh, I can't watch this." She told them "okay, that's a cut. And here comes America's sweetheart, Dara Laramie." The women told them "hi, guys. I can't believe you're gonna do my show." Dara told them as James turned Chloe back around.

"Well, they're very glad to.." Gustavo tried to tell her "he's Carlos." The guys told her pushing him forward as he didn't say any words as a women arrived "back it up, boy band. Daras not looking for a boyfriend. Dara, learn your lines for the scene now." The women told her as Dara took the script walking away "yes, ma'am." She told her heading off as Chloe furrowed her brows.

"Whoo, who's the evil stepmother?" Kelly asked "her evil stepmother." The women who showed them around told them walking away as another girl approached "she runs Daras career and the show with an iron fist. Do not cross her." The girl told them as Chloe pointed to her "isn't she supposed to be more spunky." She asked as her, James and Logan moved to the side across from the others.

"Okay, focus. How do I kiss Dara?" Carlos asked "isn't it obvious, prince not so charming?" James told him as he then turned to Chloe smiling as she laughed "you have to find her glass slipper." Chloe began as she looked to James who already was looking at her "Don't eat the apple, though." Kendall told him "make sure you have her home before midnight. And Bippity Boppity Boo." Gustavo said as smoke then went in Chloe's face as she coughed swatting it away.

But by the time it disappeared, her outfit was different and so was her hair as she was dressed like the peasant version of Cinderella "too much, smoke." Chloe said as all of them looked to her with wide eyes "evil step mother spell broken. And why are you dressed like that?" Gustavo asked as Chloe furrowed her brows "your the one who said the words." Kelly told him looking to Gustavo "I thought it was fake." Gustavo told them as everyone shook there heads.

"Good plan. Let's go." Carlos told them pulling Kendall along "wait, I was kidding?" Kendall told him "hey! No! You three need to go to wardrobe. And will someone Bibbity Bobbity." Kelly began as James looked to her "hit the snack table." He told her "got it." Logan agreed as all three of them ran off.

Reaching the craft table though the three of them stopped "coco.o has the worst spread in television history." James told them as Chloe pointed to the sticks "I think those are actual branches?" She asked as Logan took one biting on it "yep, your right it's an actual twig." Logan told her as the girl from before arrived "this is the only food that Daras stepmother well let her eat, so we have to eat it too. And it looks like she already got to you." The girl told them walking away as Chloe looked at her outfit.

"This place is weird." She told them as they watched the girl leave "again, I really thought she'd be spunkier." Logan told them "my body is a temple. And this temple needs better snacks." James told them "okay, we are on a Hollywood lot. There's gotta be some show that doesn't serve prison food." Logan told them as they left to find better snacks sniffing the air "that way." James told them as they headed off.

Running onto another set, the snacks they saw were amazing "snackpot!" They cheered running over to it, grabbing anything "ooh and healthy." James told them "this spread is amazing." Logan told them as they ate "I wonder what show this is?" Chloe asked as a voice was then heard "you know, it's not nice..." someone said as they turned around.

"To take things that don't belong to you." The robot told them "that's right, flex." The pink one told them as they moved closer to them "you shouldn't take things that don't belong to you." She told them taking there plates "it's yo gabba gabba." Logan told them as Chloe and James furrowed there brows.

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