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Your Pov-

We all ran back to the lunch room giggling the whole way there.

"Hey who's your friends?" Sam asked causing the others too look at Ava and Matthew.

"This is Ava, and that is Matthew, but we call him Matt for short." I pointed to the two, and they smiled and waved.

They asked for pictures and we ended up hanging out in the park after school.

"So whatcha here for?" I asked talking to the one in charge, Tom.

"We came here to surprise you." Tom smiled and the others did too. Making me worry.

The day didn't last very long and Ava and Matt went home, but before they did they hugged me tight, and longer than usual.

"Get in the car and we'll drive you home Y/n/n." Tom said opening his door.

We got in and I noticed we weren't going to the direction of home, but instead the airport.

"Uhhh, I told you my address, you lost." I laughed. Paddy turned to me and smirked.

"Ohhhh." Everyone laughed at me just now realizing I'm going back home with them. I'm going to London once again.

It was a simi long trip to get to the airport. We got on the plane and I sat next to Paddy who was on my right. Beside him was Harry. The other side of the plane was Sam and Tom, and one of Tom's fans. She was sweet as far as I know.

I soon fell asleep, and I knew the plane right was going to be long. So I rested my head on Paddy and listened to music.

When I woke up Paddy was softly shaking me awake and pulling an earplug out.

"Hey, it's time to get off the plane." I sleepily nodded and stretched, grabbing my stuff.

"Hey! Tom! Tom Holland!" Two girls ran up to a sleepy Tom and he waved.

"Hey lady's."

"Mind if we take a picture?!" The blonde was extremely excited.

"Sure Darling." Tom still being tired, took the picture and signed a few things for them. They walked off waving from behind.

At some point we ended up being wide awake during the night and decided we wanted snacks, so Tom drove Me and Paddy to get some food for all of us, including the twins who were back at home. And we are even going to pick up a few things for Nikki and Dom, who are asleep. Unlike us kids.

"Okay, I'll go through the drive through to get the food, Y/n and Paddy I'll drop y'all off at the store to grab some stuff for tomorrow." We nodded and he dropped us off.

We walked for a little till Paddy split with me and told me to meet him at this section. I walked around and went into the electronics. I saw a beautiful mic that was in my price range. It came with everything I needed. So I got it, I love to sing and play Instruments, I even write songs. Who knows how far I could go!

I grabbed the mic and started to walk off, but I fell hard to the ground.

"Get up, I dare you!" A girl spat at me from above.

Now I don't usually start fights, but one definitely going to finish them. Yeah, I'm not liking her attitude.

I got up despite her challenging me.

"Oh wow, the audacity!" She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her. Then it hit me... Literally... She punched me in the nose.

It was Ruby.

I was getting ready to beat the crap out of her, but I remembered I'm kinda famous, and she could easily blame me.

"Didn't feel nice did it?" She swung at me again, I dodged it perfectly. All I could do was defend myself.

She kicked me knocking me down, and here came the rest of her friends. Two girls, one was a red head and the other was a blonde like Ruby.

My head jerked backwards as the red head kicked me in the face, making my nose bleed harder.

I quickly sat up making my head pound and spin. I got off the ground. At this point I had taken out my phone and was secretly recording it.

"You don't learn do you?" She kicked me one more time in the knee, breaking it. I fall to the floor as the other blonde had taken at fork and jabbed it into my leg.

And since I was in the part of the store that had like no employees, I felt helpless. Ruby called me unspeakable things.

"Maybe once you're done saying stupid stuff, and start being nice to people, maybe you'll be known and loved like me. Because- woman you need a hug." And that was it, she kicked me one more time, and I lost it.

With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I got up despite the horrific pain, and punched her. Sending her flying to the floor. I walked away to go find Paddy. But the more I walked the worse it felt.

A worker had found me roaming and saw me fall to the floor with a thud.

"Just so you know, this is extremely painful." She called an ambulance and I was going in and out of consciousness.

"Y/n!" I heard Paddy yell my name, and to my luck, right after that I was out like a light.


Yeah yeah too dramatic

I'm sorry.... ......,

I didn't know what else I could do, so here, take it or leave it!


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