
14 1 4

So Wednesday I will be getting my wisdom teeth out and I will probably forget by tomorrow so....HERE I AM! No updates from me. How 'bout you?

Okay....so I have gotten a site for ancestry and well I have a tree and stuff going, but there are no records of ANY of my family EVER. I don't even exist under what I have told was my name, neither does my little sister. I am so suspicious at this actually. The closest with my family names are from Texas and no one in my family is from Texas. We are from Illinois, and my grandmother from West Virginia, and I from Kentucky, but we live in IL. Plus none of the years are correct on any of the sort of similar documents, but like I said. It seems like I don't exist, which is kind of off to me.

But anyway how have you all been? I have been ok honestly.

Okay well, bye

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