Of course I knew they were staring at me or checking me out. I was used to all the attention because, well, I didn't have much of an age gap from them and I got the label as 'the hot English teacher'

To be honest, I would've cared less about what people called me but the fact that a particular person came up with the name made me slightly care.

I heard a familiar voice being called out to me,

"Mr. Crispy~"

He whined out my name making my mind wander off to sinful places. 'If only you'd whine like that when your under me..'

I shrugged away the thoughts as the male came up to me and pulled me into a hug. I didn't respond to it mainly because I didn't know how nor did I want unnecessary drama.

"Yah! Yang Jeongin! He's mine back off!"
A girl shouted from across the classroom making both of us glance towards her.

I noticed how Jeongin still had that wide smile on his face while stepping away from me and facing the girl.

"Says who? I don't see your name written on him?"
He replied sassily. That seemed to annoy the girl more.

"Your name isn't written on him either!" She argued back.
Jeongin chuckled before walking towards her and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"So-yeon..your still young and have so much to live for..yet you choose to be a bitch now?" He said calmly as ever.

Students left out gasps and 'Ooh's' on his words making the girl more frustrated and swing his arm off her shoulder.

She was ready to attack back but I stopped her,

"Okay class, settle down now."

Jeongin sent me a sly wink only I could see making my heart flutter but I tried not to show the smile on my face.

All of them shifted back in their seats as I pulled out some chalk and went towards the chalk board to write 'English Class' in big bold letters.

I placed the chalk back and dusted my hands before facing the class and crossing my arms. I had a textbook held in my hand as I instructed them to turn to their respective pages.


I was so happy that the teacher stopped So-yeon from arguing back because I knew that me and her would argue for ages.

It's not my fault she tries to think that my man is hers. I hate her from the bottom of my heart.

I even sent the male a wink before I returned to my seat behind Seungmin.

If you couldn't already tell, I'm a flirt or a whore as Changbin would call me every time. He wasn't completely wrong except I was actually a virgin so that would just make me a flirt right?

Whatever it was, I always used to flirt with people I found attractive to get their attention.

But ever since our new English teacher Mr. Chan had transferred nobody seemed as attractive anymore.

So I stopped my flirting with random strangers and kept all my eyes for Mr. Chan even if he didn't see me the same.

Well you see, I don't completely know if he sees me the same because he never showed if he was okay with my flirting or not. He wouldn't oblige nor would he ask for more so I kept up with my flirting because he didn't seem to have a problem anyway.

I couldn't focus on what people were reading when I looked at my book. It was all just endless pages of words with no pictures at all.

It looked boring as hell so instead I looked up at the teacher who was pacing in the classroom while reading out the text.

I noticed how exclamatory his tone was with each sentence and found his Aussie accent very attractive. His Adam's apple bopping up and down from his neck and the veins being so visible from his rolled up sleeves. Not to forget his tight black button ups he wore most of the time which struggled to keep themselves buttoned because of the material sticking onto his muscular body.

Everything about him was hot which made me bite my bottom lips just by admiring his figure.

I quickly glanced my head down on the book and blushed.

A smile formed my lips as my mind started wandering off into fantasy, imagining my teacher doing so many sinful things to me..

All my thoughts were interrupted by book being placed- no more like slammed on my desk.

It was Mr. Chan looking at me with an intimidating look.

"Focus on your book, Jeongin-ssi." He said in a low tone.

"What if I don't?" I whispered back seductively as possible with my tone.

He rubbed his forehead in frustration and went towards his desk to grab a ruler in his hands.

"On the end of this ruler is an idiot." He said.

"Which end?" I questioned with a proud grin earnings the same 'Ooh's' from the crowd. Mr. Chan just placed the ruler down and chuckled dryly while facing me.

"Detention for you after class."


A/u note :
     Hello! Welcome to my new book. In all actuality I wanted to use this as a practice for my smuts because there's going to be a lot of smut in this book-

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