I fan not the flames

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I feel like an animal
Floundering aimlessly
It's hard to be casual
When you're breaking so tragically

And yet I break you
Bit by bit
And every word strikes true
When your fire's lit

The flames of your anger
Your passionate hue
Do they burn me, I wonder
Or do they burn you?

I don't know emotion
It's never stable
It flows like the ocean
And as long as I'm able

I'll try as hard as I know how to do
I'll write and write and write
Try hard to make mine known for you
And it won't be out of spite

I want you to see
To feel how I feel
Hear my desperate plea
And my heart as I keel

Love is a shout into the void
One I shout not for you
And you feel as though toyed
And it may be true

I wish you to know
I don't want you to burn
I want you to sew
The reaped words I learn

I love him more than life
I will never love one truer than thus
And even through your strife
Lies the trust you have in us

You shouldn't hold to your brain
Shouldn't promise the taboo
I must ask you to refrain
For as long as my skies are blue

And so we must end
End the haunting of our past
The message I wish to send
Is that we were never meant to last

Don't wait for me
Look for more in the world
Just wait and see
Maybe look for a girl

Look for one that is healthy
Satisfied with their life
And make them even more happy
So they won't give you strife

Look for someone more beautiful
With a heart of pure gold
With love inscrutable
With no lies ever told

Someone who you deserve
One better than me
And until you observe
You will seace to see

Your beauty
Your power
Your strength
And your perseverance

Everything good in the world
Lies with you.

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