Chapter 1

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Guys can you believe it,I just found out that I'm going to Korea very soon. my mum set me up  she put me up for scholarship on a Korean university now I  have to go to Korea to study it's not her decision but what can I do she won't pay for my tuition fee here in the United States since I got a scholarship and now I have to go that country I hate so much.
Koreans is mostly filled with gay guys and guys who are mostly obsessed with their own faces and appearance I can't believe she do this to me she knows how much I hate them and the guys will always wear makeup just to look goodand always doing surgery only so to make them more appealing to themselves and then the damn girls always been crazy for guys with makeup who doesn't like them back and they keep behaving like crazy fans so stupid like why and then I don't like them. For being racist against my color and then they'll be like even mean to me because of my color but who cares I'll hit them in the head if they try to bully me but then I still hate them especially the stupid boy who did this to me,who made me this cold and scared of the male gender I would never forgive him and I still not forgive him but then he made me this and like I feel no emotions then I love my mother and my younger sister Bri then dad who is dead  so now you get why I'm so mad cuz I am going to Korean she could have made it the Philippines cause love love love love love the place the most she knows how much I love the place and taking me to Korea and making me go there but I hope no one steps on my toes cuz they're going to get it.
Nothing makes me more mad about then the fact that I have to learn there dumb language and I will be leaving the States in "two days" in two days people it's making me so frustrated but then again I have no choice let start learning how to speak that language.

Brie(Ellen's younger sister)
Hey I'm Brie Parker and I'm 16 years old. I really wish I was Ellen right now cause going to Korea has always been my dream but then I'm happy for my sister but I know she's currently boiling right now about to explode with anger. I really don't know what her beef is with Korea cause they have cool places that I would love to go to and weird but I assume foods to try and the most important thing is you get to finally live USA. I can't wait to go there when she graduates.
     Wait a moment, Ellen used to love Koreans so why this change cause now I'm thinking about it she used to talk about one Cha Hoon guy when she was twelve and after one afternoon she suddenly started hating Korea, maybe he broke he heart but whatever I hope she gets a Korea boyfriend so she can finally get a boy cause I know a lot of guys ask her out but still she has no boyfriend cause I know she's not guy at all.

2 days later


Well it's finally the time we all have been waiting for wishing luck,"I said" then mom suddenly started crying I was beyond flabbergasted,I was petrified cause I thought she wanted me to go now she's crying so I just hugged her and Brie so I won't look like I am a bad daughter but anyways I'm currently on the plane getting ready for my long flight and guess what mom packed me so much snacks I think it would last me a life time but who am I kidding,I could finish it in the matter of hours.
   Then air hostess comes in to do her think and off we go. I have never been scared of height so looking out was piece of cake.

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