Escapee's and Euphoria

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"They got away..."

Bad Chuckles at that. There trying to catch a mouse with an onion. 

"Don't laugh, were not done with you." Sam Answers.

Bad Sighs in  amusement

"So? do you really think im going  to speak??"

"No, I dont. But Bad will." 

Bad's face goes serious. Does he know? Where will they take him?? he cant  be away from the egg too long or-

"Alright hop in the boat"

Bad Hops in with a underlying nervousness. 

After 30 minutes of attempting to get a boat up stairs, they got Bad to the prison.

They put him in a room similar to dreams, witch seemed to calm down the effect of the egg since it was covered in obsidian, but what really kept it was the lava.

It felt like months in the prison. When it had been days. 

he grabs a book and writes until the ink runs out.

Why did he leave me? I loved him, I loved him, IlovedhimILOVEDHIMILOVEDHIM.

And he still left. He let me for something. 

And I still love him.

Id still die for him. 

Id still  ̶f̶e̶a̶r̶   love the egg for him. 

its not fair.Not fair, not fair NOTFAIRNOTFAIRNOTFAIR.

I cant help it, whats wrong with me?


Puffy siting her room crying, she lost her best friend Hannah to a stupid egg, and her son in prison. not to mention now her other friend is also in prison.

Was she a bad mom? A bad person?

She cries until the next morning, while The Eggpire plans. There plan worked, but without bad it would prove more difficult. 

The rest of the SMP wouldnt trust them anymore, which was fine by ant. 'is it really okay though?'  "No, I cant be thinking like that." Ant mumbles to himself.

But the SMP carries on. Because it wont stop for anyone. "no matter" the egg replies in there minds. "we may have lost an asset, but he was beginning to lose sight. he killed are most valuable team member."  "Bad planned everything thou-" "SILENCE." 


And that was the first time ant felt a genuine fear of  the egg. the need to run.

Where did everything go wrong...?


Hello Readers! If you are here from my other book, I am going to finish it, but i needed to get this idea out of my head because I couldn't think of ideas for the other book. 

If your new, I will update this, but it will be slow.

I can also recommend bbh angst books. 

a LOT of bbh angst books. I hope you liked it!

Badboyhalo Angst[ Dream SMP//Post Eggpire(?)TW SELF HARM AND HATRED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora