The Southern Air Temple

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The twins return to their childhood temple, hoping to find evidence that their people still thrive in the region, but they make a shocking discovery.

The small group had made camp by a lake surrounded by cliffs for the night, but it was time for them to leave when the sun rose.

Katara and Hikari were talking up on Appa's saddle as they worked while Aang was tightening Appa's reins.

"Wait till you see it, Katara," Aang said proudly. "The air temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world."

"Yeah, it is amazing," Hikari confirmed, feeling prideful that it was her home.

Katara spoke up, slightly nervously. "Aang, Hikari, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home."

"That's why I'm so excited! Aren't you excited, Hikari?" Aang asked, facing his twin.

"I don't know how I feel, actually. I mean, a lot can change in a hundred years, all the people we used to know, all the things we used to do. It's going to be different," Hikari said honestly, thinking about their caretaker, who was an old man when they left and how he had to have passed on.

Aang apparently didn't think about it.

"I know," he said. "But I need to see it for myself." He jumped off of Appa's head and walked over to Sokka, who was snoring.

"Wake up, Sokka," Aang said. "Air temple here we come!"

Sokka groaned. "Sleep now, temple later." He turned on his side and started to snore again.

Aang was about to do something with a stick, but Hikari ran over and shook her head. She spoke to Aang through her mind, "Wait, I have an idea."

Aang could practically hear her smirk through the sentence and stayed silent as Hikari said aloud, "Come on, Aang. He can sleep for a few more minutes."

"Thanks, Hikari," Sokka murmured.

Aang didn't know what she was going to do, but he knew it was going to be good because when Hikari had an idea, things got interesting, especially with pranks. When Aang was out of prank ideas at the air temple, she always had a ton of good ones.

Hikari used her airbending to gently float Sokka and his sleeping bag up and over the water. She smirked evilly and nodded at Aang, who nodded back.

She took away the wind that was keeping him up and he fell right into the water.

He came back up, sputtering, "Hey you said you would give me a few more minutes!"

His face made everyone laugh harder than they already were.

"Hey, it was either this, or Aang would have pretended there was a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!" Hikari shouted, over the laughing.

Sokka wiggled out of his sleeping bag, and waded to the shore where he tried to ring it out.

"So... you're awake. Let's go!" Aang said excitedly.


Prince Zuko's ship was docked next to other fire navy ships that were more than twice the size of their ship.

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