The Last One Alive - Venti

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Venti was sitting in the hands of the statue, watching the sun dip into the horizon when he heard the news.

He kicked his legs back and forth leisurely. A light breeze danced past him, his braids fluttering with the wind as it whispered in his ear.

Morax has fallen.

Venti's movements stopped. He paused, waiting to see if there would be any more information, but the breeze was gone, whistling past the spires of the cathedral.

He let out a slow sigh, leaning back against his hands. "Fallen, eh?" he murmured. "Even ol' Morax is gone now."

Venti shut his eyes, letting the memory of his old friend's deep voice echo in his ears. "To think that I, the weakest of the archons, am the last one of the original Seven alive..." He opened his eyes, a pained smile rising to his lips. "It seems slacking off is better for one's health than they thought."

From the statue, Venti had a clear view of his beloved moon city. Even though the sky was beginning to darken, street lamps illuminated the streets like stars. People's spirits were high as the workday ended: the bars were beginning to flood with customers and children were walking hand-in-hand with their parents. The chatter of voices and chimes of laughter blended into a sweet melody, carried to Venti's ear by the wind.

A burst of warmth spread in his chest. Venti's gaze softened, his smile widening as he watched his people with a fondness reminiscent of a mother watching her children, grown and ready to take on the world.

Venti rested his head in his hands, letting out a quiet sigh. "It seems the time for archons has disappeared at last." 

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