An foolz!! Lol sorry

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Heeyyyyy guys.. Soooo.. *coughs awkwardly* last chapter was... Ummm... Interesting.. I think that's an under statement.. But I had the part planned for a while... And I wanted a "interesting" ending... But I got carried away... Eheheheh... And it was a long chapter and it wouldn't upload for a bit so it wasn't uploaded when I finished it.. Btw I like finishing my chapters in one sitting so I don't loose my ideas...

I'm thinking about putting in some new characters.. Both boys but no worries your all Ian's ;)

Oh gawd...well I am having fun with this fanfic (to much you might saaay)

But I wanna be able to connect to my readers and get suggestions so I can know what kinda things you do want to happen... maybe someone wants a lemon-maybe someone wants a lime(that's kinda like a lemon but no detail you just know you and ___ had sex) or some fluff that's really cute (fluff is couple cuddly moments! The ones that make you all bubbly!)

But since this fanfic is about you guys... I want you to have a say.. Like should something dramatic happen? Like Ian and -- break up? For I bit then make up?

Ps -- is you just making is easier on me I think I might start useing it :P

Just send me a message! I already had someone ask for a reader x Anthony.. I am planing that in my books of plans (aka my head)

Well please message me your ideas and if I use them I will be sure to give you a shout out on that chapter ;3


Haha my name is saved onto my phone! So all I have to say is Kawaii with a ~ and I get ~KawaiiCoral~ heheh alright

It started with a SPLAT(Ian Hecox x Reader SMOSH)Where stories live. Discover now