Chapter 1: being parted

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When the Galaxy Space Soldiers (G.S.S) came to get recruits we thought it would be adults but in stead G.S.S were using kids over the age 12 and I was fourteen oh my name is George Streaker not only do they society go by age they also go by skill. It was a day before the test me and my friends were hanging out Jason Scotty, Sadie grace , Sean lullaby and Preston mascot all of us are fourteen except Sadie the only girl in the group who is thirteen turned it today by the way. I was awoke by an alarm "nooooooo" today was the time to see who makes it and who won't in the test ~~~~~~~~~ after awhile I finished the test and had to go home and get a goods night rest to see the results tomorrow. Agin I was awoke in by the alarm got dressed and went to see the results I was shocked I made but Sean and Jason did not make it to the G.S.S at lest some of my friends did at last it was time to say good by and leave in the ship I thought In my belief I was moving away from the place I lived my whole life and I am moving from some of my friends well let us see what happens.

Space warriorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora