Manager (2)

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Your POV

'Hmm? A memmory?. That was when i was 10 years old.' suddenly I remembered something from back then.

'5 years ago i met a blond boy that wears glasses. What was his name again? Kirishima?...... Kurishima?..... I think it's more like.....Ku-Kushikima?......Well it doesn't matter, Kushikima it is.'

'I wonder what he's doing right now, does he still remembers me?' I thought as I tried to recall his face. I really hope I can see him again.

« Flashback »

"Look out!"

"Oh my, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it to hit your face, it was just an accident"




"Oi, where do you think your going"

"Oh your alive!"






"Oi wait"

« End of Flashback »

'hahaha, on second thought, I hope we'll never see each other again' I thought as I began to regret wanting to meet him. 'It was an embarrassing experience for me when I was a kid, I mean.. Imagine hitting someone in the face and breaking his glasses... *sigh just why?'

« Flashback »

"You're not getting away, you have to take responsibilty"

"You have to pay for the glasses"

« End of Flashback »

I stopped walking after I remembered just that one sentence.

"You have to pay for the glasses"

'That's right, I have to pay him for breaking his glasses. Yep, right right, I should really not  meet him at any cost. Even if we did see each other...I hope he doesn't remember me. It'll be so embarrassing.'

'I don't want to pay...well it doesn't really matter, it's not like we'll meet again.....Japan is preety huge, but....what if we really meet?....pfft hahaha...of course there's no actual way, that's only the works of fate.'

'I should just focus on my studies for now. And now I have double works, I'm studying while managing a club.'

Today, I'm suddenly a manager of the volleyball boys club, well not actually a manager, It's just temporary, I mean I really don't know anything about volleybal stuff.

'Sigh. Why did this happen?'

« Flashback »

"Wow she's so preety"

"She's a third year, right?"

"Should i talk to her?"

"She looks like a model"

The halls are full of conversations, and all their topics are one, it's only about the pretty girl that wears glassess. Hahaha remind me of someone i know.

'She has some papers at hand, is she offering something?'. She really looks so pretty, like a real model

'hmm? She's coming this way' I thought. 'Is she looking for someone?' I looked behind me but all i see are people staring and blushing at her.

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