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Sorry guys this cap was short because the happiness of the poor Brazilian lasts a little ahhah
Here we go the news

I bought the charger for my PC however however I had a blockage + exhaustion of answering the phone (please be polite when calling your operators, this attendant will thank you) as if all the misfortune was little agr my PC ta with the keyboard all chipped 😂😂 😂😂😂😂😔 laugh not to cry.

As I promise to update for an eternity I will write by msl cll and post to you ...

There is another little bit, just to end the longing

PS: my official translator is very busy with work, so this chapter is an offer from google translator


For Champ, Dew's vision on his knees, the droplets of water reflecting the light on his flushed and tanned skin makes him more and more excited, and when Dew's black, thirsty eyes reach him he cannot contain the urge to touch himself, the Dew's gaze leaves his eyes and goes to his hands, and Champ can see the player running his tongue over his pink lips, unexpectedly after this action Dew looks back at Champ's face, but now he positions himself in front of the other and places the Champ's pulsating member in his mouth, when he feels his lips, the other envelops the tip of his cock, Champ gasps, and little by little the sounds that Champ lets out become groans when he feels his glans reach the bottom of Dew's mouth. 

The next morning blue is awakened by the alarm clock, after deactivating the annoying sound of the cell phone, he returns little by little to the comfortable feeling of the warm sheet and also the hug that warms his heart, when settling in that feeling, the little one starts to take aware that his usual double embrace is not where he has just returned, he opens his eyes and finds Dew's sleeping face that pulls him closer by gluing Blue's face to Dew's strong body only when the little one realizes that Dew finds himself in the place he usually belongs when he wakes up every morning, yes the hug is still there but this time he is not in the center, at that moment his mind is flooded with the sounds he heard the night before coming from the bathroom, the measure that the pink tone covers his cheeks Blue shrinks after all it was not only the sounds that made him blush but also the excitement and happiness he felt when he heard that the men he loved also each other.

_ Baby, do you really have to go? - Dew asks tightening his arms around the little one trying to get him even closer almost as if he could merge them into one;_ Hmm? - the little one answers a little confused, and when he processes the content of the older question he freezes for a few seconds recovering as fast as he gets up running to the bathroom to get ready after all this semester he has many classes, all day._Dew?_ Hmm? - he replies with the sad tone of a child who has just lost his favorite candy, he sighs before turning to look at the man who calls him_ do not be sad, he must have something important - says Champ in a hoarse and worried voice;_ I know, but did it have to be today? - he answers and lowers his hurt eyes, he feels Champ's warm hands on his face lifting up so that he looks into his eyes_ we can talk to him later, how about we enjoy together for now? Just the two of us? And we can also prepare a surprise for when he comes back so we don't have to worry about distracting him, how about that? - Dew sighs slightly and nods obediently, shortly after he reluctantly agrees a scruffy Blue comes out of the bathroom almost dressed and with wet hair, seeing this scene he looks quickly at the boyfriend who is still in bed with him and smiles a little guilty , then he gets up and goes to the porch and brings a dry towel after the little one;

_ baby, you are not that late, at least let me dry your hair. - He takes the short man by the arm and makes him sit on the edge of the bed and starts drying his hair while he is still obedient, when he is satisfied he deposits a kiss on the left cheek of the little one and lets him get up, however before blue could move out of the way Champ pulls him back, and places a kiss on the right side of the small face._ have a good day baby - he speaks in Blue's ear with a hoarse voice which makes him shiver and makes him blush, but this momentary shyness does not prevent him from returning the kisses before leaving.the door closes and the two older ones are alone again, Champ who is now sitting where the youngest was previously pulls Dew's waist bringing him close and rests his chin on the other's belly and lets out a sigh before saying_ I know you are worried about him, but give him a vote of confidence_ you say that, but you think the same as me ... people are cruel Champ, I just don't want him to get hurt_ I know, I also want to protect him, but we will not always be there he needs to learn to take care of himself. - Dew reluctantly agrees sighing again, when he hears his boyfriend so crestfallen Champ decides to give his all to distract him.

_Blue... hoi, BLUE - the little man can hear the familiar voice of his newest friend, the only one who had defended him when the rumors started. - Hoi, wait_ jennie i can't go any slower than that! I'm late, by the way we're both..._ wow I don't even know how someone so small can be so fast! Hoi wait! - Blue descends to stop and wait for his friend who supports him taking a deep breath trying to draw as much oxygen as possible_best? - he asks gently and after three more inspirations and exhales she responds_best_ok then let's go soon we are late ...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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