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Sonic pov.
I walked into my classroom and I noticed a new kid I never seen before. Something was off about him the. His breathing was heavy, his skin was dirty and pale. He smelt like rotting flesh and Sarah who was sitting right in front of him noticed it. The female raccoon pinched her nose and turned around to face the male fox. "Hey hobo, ever heard of a bath?" She said. Suddenly, he bit her neck as the raccoon gasped. She screamed as blood gushed out of her neck. The classroom filled up with screams. I couldn't believe something like this was happening. Mrs. Applegate was trying to pry him off of her neck when turned around and bit her in the arm. She stepped back and held her arm. My other classmates screamed and I stood in the back of the classroom. Sarah and my teacher wheren't acting normal anymore. Students started being attacked and turning on each other. I ran out of the classroom and into the hall.
It wasn't any better than the classroom. I started running down the hall while dodging all the dead bodies. I took shelter inside of a janitors closet and thought about what I could do.

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