nightblood - fluff

Start from the beginning

You take your position and sigh.This was it.

She swings at you,sword in hand,shouting.

You dodge and punch her inner knee,making her fall down.She quickly gets back up and swings for you again.

She slashes your dominant hand,making you wince in pain and back up.

You look into the crowd for a second,seeing the boy from before aggressively pointing at his shoulder.

You decide to listen.You swing for her with your non dominant hand.She dodges and pushes you to the ground.

As she's about to get on top of you and finish you off,you punch her leg with yours,making her lose balance and drop her sword.

You were both weaponless.You swing for her,making her fall back.You punch her shoulder,making her wince loudly and grunt.She pushes you off and proceeds to choke you while securing your hands with her legs.

Your vision was going blurry as you were running out of air.In a last attempt,you kick her back and proceed to free your hand,reaching for your pocket knife.

You grab the small weapon and stick it into the girls neck.Her eyes widen as she gasps and falls next to you,holding her hand to her throat.

,,Kom woda 'so gyon op, gon woda 'so kom daun.(From water we are born,to water we return.)" You say,grabbing the knife out of her neck.

,,Yu gonplei ste odon." You add,gently brushing your hand against her forehead as her eyes close.

A tear falls from your eye.You didn't want to do this.

The ambassadors kneel down to you.The crowd follows,as they all chant out: ,,Heda!Heda!"

A girl about your age comes next to you.

,,Pardon me,Heda.I must take the Flame."

,,Go on." You order.

,,I can't get the flame out.It must be a mistake.I-"

,,The flame was never there." The boy from before speaks out.

,,You!Where is it,then?It was your job as a fleimkepa to keep it safe!" The girl shouts out,pointing a knife at his throat.

,,Stop!The flame will be found.Leave him alone.Scouts,go search for the flame.You, you say pointing at a guard , take me to the throne room.Bring him along." You order,pointing at the fleimkepa.

You are lead into the tall building as you step into the throne room,making your way there and into the seat.

,,Leave us,please." You say to the guard.

He leaves you and the boy alone.You get up,going next to him and getting the chain off of his bruised neck.He slightly whines and rubs the wounds.

,,Thank you." He says.

,,No,thank you.For showing me her weak spot.I can't tell why you did it,though.But thank you again.I'm y/n."

,,I'm Murphy,John Murphy."He says,holding out his hand as you grab it.,,She was an awful person.Only ,,won" the conclave because she killed the others in their sleep.Kids." He says,now looking down.

You notice the sun was setting.

,,Tell me about everything that's been happening.Make it quick.I lived on a boat for too long,I have no idea what's going on."

He sums everything up.The sun was now down.

,,Guards!Take us to the bedroom please,and bring two meals."

You're brought into the bedroom where you start to clean yourself quickly as the boy sits down on the bed and sighs.

The blood not getting off of your hands and face made your breath shorten as you were starting to panick.

,,Hey,it's alright.Here." Murphy says,grabbing a cloth and pressing it lightly against your face.

You let him do it,and right as he finishes you hear a knock at the door.

,,Come in!'' You shout as the guard steps in and the two plates of food are brought into the room.It looked quite strange but you were too hungry to care.

,,Thank you and goodnight." You say as the guard nods and steps out,leaving you alone.

,,Come on,let's eat."You say.

The boy comes next to you as you sit down on the bed and cross your legs,beginning to eat.

After you're both done,you grab both the plates and put them on the small table,returning to the bed.

,,One hell of a day." You say laying down on your back and sighing.

He chuckles.

,,I agree.I'm glad you were the one that made it out.I'll take the floor.''He says,getting the robe off of him and heading for the floor.

,,No.Come here,the bed's big enough."

,,As you want.I move around a lot in my sleep,so watch out." He says,laughing.

,,Goodnight,Murphy." You say as you get comfortable.


~ many hours later ~

You wake up sweating and screaming.
The boy wakes up aswell and grabs you into a hug,patting your back.

,,Hey,hey.It's just a nightmare.I'm here,ok?You're fine,you're good."

Your breath gets back to normal as you break the hug and look into his eyes.

He suddenly kisses you.You respond immediately.It was sweet and caring.You didn't know why you were like this.Hell,you knew the boy for less than a day.

But he cared for you since he saw you in that arena,and that made you feel better about what you had done.

,,Thank you,John." You say,pressing your forehead against his.

He smiles.,,Anytime,y/n."

You both fall back into the pillows,this time you in his arms as you place your head into the crook of his neck.

1491 words
ahh i havent written for a while
ill do requests tomorrow
ly all

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