Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:
Brain's POV:
"In tonight's plan, we shall use music to rule the world," I explain to Pinky. "We'll construct an annoying song which will get stuck in people's heads, and one line will say, 'There's so much we can gain if we follow The Brain,'. That line will become ingrained in people's subconscious, leaving them vulnerable to suggestion. Therefore, I shall rule the world!"
"Egad, Brain, brilliant!" Pinky exclaims. "Oh, wait, no," Uh-oh. "How will we make the tune that catchy?" Before I can respond, the door opens and the stupid scientists come in.
"Okay, this experiment will test their anxiety," one says. "We'll see how they react being in a dark, silent room for a few hours."
"But Nick, won't it be dangerous?" The female says. Yeah, Nick, I think.
"They're just lab mice, Patricia. If they die, we'll just get more," My blood boils. This. Is. Sick.
Nick and Patricia hold us by the tails and place us in seperate dark rooms. Okay, maybe this is good. I can ponder about how to make the tune catchy.

After about 15 minutes, I can no longer focus on my plan. I am becoming more and more restless, fidgeting every 5 seconds. I don't know how long I'll be in here. That thought plants a sense of unease in my mind. Curse those imbecilic scientists! They want this to happen. They want me to panic. I soon start losing track of time. It feels like I have been in here for days. My heart rate speeds up and my palms start to sweat. A tiny voice in the back of my head whispers, I wish Pinky were here. Because I'm so tough, I dismiss the thought. I don't need anyone! I redden slightly when it comes back. Why must this thought be so persistent? I try to control my breathing which is going faster by the minute. I take deep breaths until I'm a little calmer. I tug my ears, something I do when I'm nervous. Not that I'm afraid of a little dark room. I've been through worse. But then, a horrifying thought enters my head. What if I never get out of here? Oh no! I do hope they don't forget about me and leave me in here forever. The anticipation is killing me. The silence overwhelms me. Too many thoughts. Too many feelings. Too much mawkish sentimentality. You can do this, Brain, I tell myself. You will survive.

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