As all of the Wolves were being held by someone, or cuffed to the silver railings, the smoke lifted and i could see everything. Wyatt and Willa were beside me, Wynter on the other side of Willa.

"Demo time!" yelled Mr Necrodopolis, "Everybody clear out!"

I heard Willa whimper the slightest bit,
"I failed you, they'll destroy the moon stone, they'll destroy us!"

I frowned and let out a shaky breath.

Suddenly a plead, no, more like an order came from the corner. The Wolves looked around before seeing a familiar blonde girl, storming up.

"No!" she yelled.

"Addison?" questioned both of the dads.
The world has gone crazy and no one seems to listen
Gotta step in, no more maybes, and stop the demolition
Is it hope or fear? Look in the mirror
Everything we built is coming down
Herself, and the Z team stormed onto the platform in front of all of us and began singing and dancing. As they were lead of the platform a little, they made way for Eliza and the rest of the Zombies. I grinned. Those are my best friends.
No more hesitation, it's time we start to realize
With all this separation, silence is still taking sides
So use your voice, make a choice
And tell me, are you standing with the crowd?
The Zombies and cheerleading team then joined on the platform and began to pressure back the workers whilst dancing and singing.

This is a declaration
Of a new generation
It's now or never, we're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone

Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy
We say no more bad blood, no more bad blood
Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy
No way, they can't stop us, no, they can't stop us
Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy
We say no more bad blood, no more bad blood
Ayy, ayy, ayy-ayy
No way, they can't stop us, no, they can't stop us
Water poured from the ceiling as the Wolves and i yelled in excitement, Wynter the loudest. But, the water soon turned off. It didn't stop us from cheering.

Just then, a slight cough was heard from the other side of the room.
History changes, but we lost the pages we wrote
When you lose direction, can't see the reflection you know
We came from the bottom then became the problem
Now everything's out of control
So hey, are you with me? Let's go!

This is a declaration
Of a new generation
It's now or never, we're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone

They all finished off in a sort of "threatening" stance. We all began cheering but then stopped as Zed stepped closer to his and Addison's dad.

"You gotta stop the demolition, Dad," Zed began, "I know how hard you worked for this job, but if it's going to hurt the Wolves and possibly Addison or Ana, then you have to stop it." he finished, reasoning.

His dad sighed as he looked around at all the furrowed brows of school students and painful faces of the Wolves and I from the silver that we touching us and the silver we had inhaled.

"You're right, Addison's right," he paused, "Shut it down! Stop the demolition!" he yelled, ordering his co-workers before turning to the Wolves and I, "Tomorrow, when it's safe, we'll find what you're looking for. But for now, you can all go home!" he announced.

wolves ↢ (Wyatt Lykensen X OC)Where stories live. Discover now