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As the burning feeling began to die down, I looked around, seeing some faces turned to me in confusion. I shook my head and turned away, making them do the same. I frowned a little at the unwanted attention, but shook my head again at the thought of it.

I walked into school, quickly dropping my cheer bag at my locker before turning around to see people mumbling and looking my way. This was getting annoying now, i had to say something.

"Yes! I have white hair!" I exclaimed pissed off making the hall go silent, "You've known me for years, I'm still the same, stop acting like assholes!!" I 'barked' at them before storming off to go and find Addison.

I heard Eliza go, "Ugh, you guys even fight like a perfect couple," she groaned, chuckling a bit as i did the same, joining in with her.

"How's it going Eliza? Ana?" Addison smiled whilst questioning us.

I let Eliza speak first, "You know, fighting injustice is keeping me busy." she grinned and i copied.

"Just had to give a few people some talks about difference, nothing usual," I paused and Addison filled the silence.

"Looking good doing it Zom-bae's," she laughed a little, wiggling her fingers at us as we did the same, laughing with her.

"Oh yeah, sorry about last night guys. I went on a walk and my phone was off until i got home," i grinned, lying.

Our small group nodded before Lacey and Stacey came up to us, Lacey squealing in her high-pitched bitchy voice.

"Uh, Addison!"

Addi rolled her eyes before turning around, like the rest of us before Lacey began starting again, "Once we're team captain, you and freak-face are so off the team." she snapped her fingers, trying to sass us but it didn't quite work.

"And once I'm cheer captain, you'd be welcome to stay, because I'll be making cheer about bringing people together. " she finished, proud of herself. The two of the three Acey's looked at each other and laugh.

"That was awful trash talk."

"It wasn't meant to be, she was being nice, unlike some people." I finished, the two looked at me in disgust before grabbing Addison for cheer and walking away. Addison said a faint 'bye' whilst walking.

Zed turned to me and Eliza, "I've gotta find a way to get us to the PRAWN."

"We can crash it," Eliza began, "We can't make the rules, but we can break them." she grinned again.

Zed snapped his fingers, almost as a lightbulb went off in his head, "We can make the rules! We just need the right leader!" he gasped, "I needa run, I've got an idea!" he sprinted off down the hallway.

"I'm going to the restroom, you go to the hall without me, I'll be there shortly." i said to Eliza before walking off towards the ladies room.

--10 minutes later, there was a queue--

I got out of the restroom and heard talking from the other corridor. I hid round the corner and peered round.

The sound of something burning echoed throughout the hallway, making me cover my mouth to stop me from gasping. There was a few shrieks before someone, a familiar voice said,

"I can take it!!" The sizzling echoed through before the sizzling stopped and i gasped, what the fuck happened. I peered around the corner a little to see the Wolves looking at me, I furrowed my eyebrows in worry and began to walk away before someone mumbled, somehow i could hear it.

wolves ↢ (Wyatt Lykensen X OC)Where stories live. Discover now