Chapter One

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A stranger was lurking. Or more rather, waiting. The entrance to the Scientist's quarter was heavily protected with wrought iron gates, adorned with deadly electric spikes. A precaution, of course, in case a lower quarter citizen attempted to weasel their way in, attempted to find safer ground. Which was exactly what the stranger was doing. The security on the gates of the highest quarter had decreased recently, break-ins had been little to none and no-one expected the stranger or his plan. Nor his supernatural abilities.

The security guard on duty was snoring peacefully, clearly not expecting what was about to happen or what it would cost him. With his feet resting heavily on his control panel and his chair reclined with his standard issue cap over his eyes, the stranger took this as their sign to move. Silent footsteps were taken right to the edge of the quarter, with a careful awareness as to not set off the alarm, which would trigger the electricity on the gate. The stranger didn't need all that fuss tonight, they wanted quick and easy access, where they preferably remained anonymous.

Extending their arm, the stranger's fingertips were in close proximity to the front of the gate. From an outward perspective, it would look as if they were simply standing with their arm in front of them, almost as if they were sensing for something. And then, as if the stranger had lightning in their veins, a strange iridescent glow omitted from them. Crackles of blinding white light emerged from their fingertips and connected with the iron structure of the gate, encasing it in it's own stunning glow. All around the stranger this brilliant shine persevered, never once faltering.

It was the strange light from the stranger that awoke the guard on duty. He was a middle aged man who was not an Anomaly, nor did he posses any particularly good combat skills and so when he considered confronting the stranger head on, he quickly decided it was for the better that he remained within the safety of his office and called for back up. This is where the problem lied with the Anomalies, no one could compete, they were an unbreakable, unstoppable force that required more than an offensive weaponlike a gun to stop them. They possessed enhanced healing and recovery abilities, making them fearsome opponents. But back up was on the way, the guard reassured himself, they would bring the Alpha unit and all would be resolved.

The guard peered over the top of his control panel, having been crouched out of sight beneath his desk, and saw, much to his terror, that the stranger had managed to detach a small part of the quarter gate and was preparing to make his escape. A sliver of doubt had started to form in the man's mind, he had never witnessed such power before, such confidence and training. Never before had he feared for his life in the face of a Anomaly. Never before had he wondered if the Alpha unit was not enough this time to quell the wrath of this Stranger.

The stranger was almost done, with a last push they extracted a few bars from the towering gates and tossed them onto the ground to their left with evidently practised and perfected telekinesis. They had done it. Finally. With a last glance around they noticed the guard on duty had disappeared from their spot in their cabin, it didn't matter anyway; they would be long gone before anyone found them, sheltered under the dark night and a new name to match. Turning back to face their handiwork on the gate, they rolled their shoulders, pulled up their facemask and stepped into the scientist's quarter.

A/N: hiya to anyone who's here! Thanks for reading!!! <33

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