Chapter 1

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6 years later

Its been been 6 years since my brother came for me that day. "Baby Prince, time to wake up honey." I said to my 5 years old son. He got eyes like his dad sky blue eyes. "No mommy still sleepy" he said. I picked him up and start to tickle him. " Okey am up mommy" he said. I gently put him down so that he can go do his business in the bathroom. He claims he is a big man and can do everything by himself. I went to the kitchen to prepare break fast for him and I.
I made some pancake since Prince likes pancake and not cereals. I heard footstep approaching me in the kitchen. Prince came up hugging me and climbed on his dinning sit to have breakfast. "Uncle Ethan is coming today to take you to the park. I got alot of work in the office today but I promise I will take you out for ice cream then dinner later" I said. He nodded and continue to eat. Since his father threw me out of the house that night I promised myself to work hard to provide my son with the best living condition since am the man and also the woman in my house.
I packed for him some snacks in his bag and headed for the door. I opened the door and found my brother halfway trying to knock the door. "I was thinking you were lying" I said. "How can I and miss a chance to spend time with my favorite nephew" he said. I kissed Prince on his cheek then hugged my brother and head out to my car to drive to my work place. I waved goodbye to them.
I am working as an IT specialist. I take my work serious.
I spend hours at my work and it was time to head back home. I got into my car and headed to pick my son from the park where he was with his uncle. "Mommy I missed you so much" Prince said. I hugged him and said a thank you to my brother. "So which flavor of ice cream do you want to day honey?" I asked him. "Strawberry and vanilla, mommy am now 5 years old and you don't know my flavor." He said, I already knew his flavor just wanted to hear him talking because he seemed upset. "Son what is the matter? You seem sad" I asked him. "Nothing mommy just mad because there was this guy who kept saying 'my dad did this or that's and it was annoying since I don't have a dad" He said. I didn't know what to tell him. I packed my car in the parking lot and headed to the ice cream shop. " Son is not that you don't have a dad. You do and am sure he loves you" I said, but he still was sad. And it was so hard because I was not prepared for this. I just walked into the ice cream shop without looking where I was heading. I run into a lady holding an ice cream which fell down. "Watch where you are going" she said angrily. "Am sorry miss, I wasn't looking where I was going" I said while trying to look at her. But I was shocked to see who was by her side. No other than my ex- husband Aiden. But he was not looking at me rather he was looking at Prince. I pulled my son and we headed to the counter. Prince ordered his order which was strawberry and vanilla with oreo sprinkle on it. I ordered chocolate milk shake. I paid for our order and headed back to the car. "Princess," I heard someone call me. I didn't want to look back because that voice I know very well. "Go into the car Prince" I said to my son who nodded his head and obeyed me.
I get into the driver sit and started the car, I drove away like a mad woman out of the parking lot. It's been 6 years why does it still hurt seeing him now. He was with that lady he cheated with. I didn't know I was crying until when I felt my son wiping away my tears. "Mommy why are you crying?" My son asked. I didn't answer him I just packed my car at the side of the road and pulled him for a hug. "Don't worry son mommy will be fine"I told him. He nodded his head and hugged me back. After sometime I was back to the mood. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked. "French fries and burger"he replied while licking his ice cream. I drove to chicken inn. Placed my order and waited for some minutes for it to be packed for take away. We arrived home late I preheat the food and ate, then I read Prince his bed story. Kissed him goodnight and head down for a drink.

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