Chapter 7 : It should have been me.

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January 1943

I walked in the bar with the girls. Tonight was jazz night. John and his friends were going to join us later.

" Alright, I'm going to go get us drinks, what do you girls want ? "

" Same as always. "

" Got it, I'll be right back. "

I walked to the bar. As soon as I saw the back of his head I recognized him. I didn't needed more. I walk over to him and stood at the bar on his right.

" Hello, there, stranger. "

I smiled at him but he didn't smiled back. He looked terrible. He didn't even realized I was there, he just stared at his glass, probably not his first.

I looked around at the bar and I saw her, his girlfriend, dancing with some guy. I immediately understood what happened. She had broken up with him and he was miserable, because he actually liked her.

" I'm so sorry Buck. "

" Sorry about what ? "

" Come on, you know I'm an excellent detective. "

" You saw her with a guy. " He said finally looking at me, raising an eyebrow.

" Yes. I admitted, looking down. But he's such a dead hoofer compared to you. He didn't smiled so I changed the subject, I pointed at his glass and asked. How many drinks is that ? "

" I don't know, eleven, twelve ? "

" Alright, I'm gonna take you home. "

" No, I'm fine, just go and have a good night. What is it tonight ? Jazz ? "

" I'm no leaving you Buck, I answered. I'm sorry but, you're miserable, I don't want anything happening to you. "

" I'm fine, I'm just gonna stay here all night, all alone and stay off the hook, I don't need your help. "

" Yeah, too bad I don't believe you. "

" Fine then, I don't WANT your help. "

" Oh, that's how it is. "

" Yeah, just go with your " fiance " and leave me alone. "

" Real classy Buck. "

" Well, I am super classy Josephine. "

" Ooh, Josephine, that's another level James. "

" Your making fun of me but you're imitating me anyway. "

" Just getting on your level, it's the only way you're gonna let me help you. " I called the barman with a sign and asked for five drinks.

" What are you doing ? "

" Getting on your level like I said. "

" Are you crazy ? Five drinks, do you want to get in a coma ? "

" If it's what it takes for you to let me help you. "

" Alright, I'm coming with you just don't make yourself sick. "

" Great, so I'm taking you home. "

" Yeah, whatever you say. "

" You know for what it worth, she wasn't the one for you. "

" Oh yeah, well who is then ? "

He looked me deep in the eyes. I know what answer he wanted me to give him. But I couldn't, I had a fiance, I wasn't the one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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