"Where the hell is that blue eyes freak! Im gonna kill that— why do you think he's attractive!?"

"Why are you yelling? It's not that serious."

Now it was my turn to yell. "I think it's very serious considering what happened."

"What happened?" Haru questioned.

"Hikari oh my god shut up!" she screamed. Other people in the ice cream parlor started to stare.

I threw my hands up in surrendering because the tone in her voice told me I said way too much. I smiled innocently and sat quietly and watched the show I created.

"I don't see why you're so mad." Yua sighed in frustration.

"The blue eyed guy when did you see him?

"Haru drop it im literally never gonna see these guys again."


"Drop it! You're overreacting for what? Nothing at all. So let it go." She warned. The couple stared at each other for a moment before Haru mumbled "fine" under his breath.

"I'm ready to go home so when you weirdos are done fighting can we go."

"It's your fault we're fighting!" They both yell in unison.

"I spoke nothing but facts so i'm not apologizing." I shrugged and grabbed my bag heading towards the door.

"Why I outta...." Yua was ready to charge until Haru grabbed her arm. " You might wanna let go."

"I don't think I do."

Yua glared at him but stayed put as she was told. Haru grabbed her hand pulling her towards the door. "I swear you drive me crazy."

"You still love me though right?" She pouted looking up at him once we were all outside.

"Yeah, yeah. I guess." He smiled.

The three of us made our way back to the train to head home. Yua and I were talking while Haru seemed to be staring off into space. I called his name to ask if he was okay.

"Haru?" He froze upon me calling him. He tensed up the same way he did earlier.

"Babe what's wrong." Yua asked concerned. Haru didn't respond but kept staring.

"Nothing. Let's go home. Now."

"No, tell me what's wrong." Yua told him blocking his path. "No more secrets, remember?"

"Yeah? Then why won't you tell me what happened with that blue eye freak then huh!" He shot back.

"Guys this is not the time to be fighting" I stepped in. Before I could say anything else Yua spoke.

"Isn't that dad?" I looked towards the direction she and Haru were looking in and saw our dad with a woman I had never seen before. I couldn't see her face but she had long navy blue wavy hair that ran down her back. Dad's hand ran down her arm flirtatiously as he eyed her up and down.

"Who is that? It's not mom so who is it?" Yua asked.

"Probably a business partner."

"Really Hikari. Not with the way he's all over her."

"You're right. So do you wanna go get him or do I need to?"

"No leave him, let's just go home."

"You're not serious are you?"

"I'm very serious. We can confront him later ok."

"Ughh" I walked past Yua angrily. Why talk to him later he's right there I don't get it.

"Both of you stop fighting and let's go." Haru said angrily.

"Okay fine. What's got you so worked up?"

"Nothing let's just go home." Haru's gaze stayed on my father and that woman for a moment before waking up. Yua and I quickly caught up with him.

"Mom we're home!" Yua yelled through the house dropping her bag by the front door. I shook my head in disappointment and hung her bag on the hook behind the door. She was always leaving her stuff around. It's like she was waiting for us to trip.

"Wash up I need help with dinner." Our mom told us. The room was mostly silent. Our mom asked us how our day was and how was Haru but besides that no one spoke. Yua and I keep sharing glances at each other waiting for the other one to speak up first.

"You ask. You're older." I mouthed while stirring the pot in front of me. "Fine." She mouthed back.

"Mom when is dad coming back?"

"He's not having dinner with us tonight. He has a business dinner and he's working late again." She replied, setting the food on the table.

"Again?" I asked following Yua out of the kitchen and to the dining room.

"Don't worry about him girls. He'll be back when things at work slow down a bit more." Yeah that's what you said last time. Neither Yua or I said anything about what we saw earlier. We couldn't just come out and say "hey mom funny story dad might be cheating on you"

After we ate dinner I went to my room and Yua followed, shutting the door behind her. I sat on my bed and looked at yua who flopped on my bed like it was hers.

"What are we gonna do about dad?" I asked

A"Confront him. He's lying to us and to mom." I sat there listening to Yua rant.

"Wait what if mom knows."

"What do you mean? Why would she know?"

"Well think about it. The last time dad acted like this they got into a big fight and she's acting like nothing happened." Yua sighed in frustration.

"So if dad is up to something then mom might be in on it too?"

Haru's pov

"Yes sir. Earlier when I was with them. I could sense a presence. It was another pureblood."

"You keep the girls out of harms way, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Keep an eye out for the other two boys. Make sure Yua and Hikari don't go near them. They pose a threat. I'll get back to you when I have more information on what to do next.

"Yes sir." I said once more and hung up the phone. I was gonna find those two freaks before anyone else could.

"You're done for blue eyes."

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