Analysis on Impulse Reactions

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He rolled his eyes. "What, you want to marry him now?"

"I am getting into character, okay?"

He laughed as he got up and walked to the window. "I don't know if he has."

"You think he will agree to this?" I asked, walking up to him too.

"Only one way to find out."

"Would he be sympathetic if I say I am desperate?"

He shot me a look. "No."

We both looked down to see his crew sitting on a long table as they discussed a script.

"How's work?" I asked.

"Going good. We are doing a project with Prime."

"Damn, boy."

"I know," he said smugly.

Grinning, I linked my arm around him, laughing as he tried to shake me off. "The best solution is to re-present you as my boyfriend. What say?"

"I would rather be celibate," he said at once. "Its been 12 years and your Dad still doesn't like me."

"He will, now that you're successful and not failing Social Studies."

"Shut up, social studies was the worst."

I laughed again. "Ok, your loss. How do I meet this guy?"

"He's coming here to sign a contract in some time. Stay till then."

"Ok great," I said, flopping back down on the couch.

He turned to look at me, amused. "Can you get more relaxed in my workplace?"

"As though you're doing work right now."

"I could be doing work."

"Well, are you?"

"No", he admitted. "You want to go for dinner tonight?"

"Come to my house, no. Ma is making biriyani."

He brightened. "Done. Is your Dad still going to glare at me?"

"No. Now that he thinks some other truant is out there to ruin my life, you're forgiven."

"Great. Do you know what you should do? Bring Ayush along today. You and your two boys."

I grimaced. "I think you want to kill my parents."

He laughed.

The next hour of waiting for my impending fake boyfriend was spent playing video games. He is an avid gamer and due to his influence, I had unwillingly started to play myself (though I am quite bad at it). He was just beating my ass in a spirited game when someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, Krish. Catching you on a bad time?"

The two of us looked at the door. I looked at Krish and raised an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes and nodded.

Well, well, well.

"Nah, its cool." Krish said easily, getting up to shake the stranger's hand. "Come, sit down. That's my friend Dhriti."

"Best friend", I stressed as he rolled his eyes again. "Hey."

"Hello." Ayush, if you must know looked like the personification of a chocolate boy. He looked like someone who would open the door for you, gift you chocolates and write you romantic movie lines in post-it notes.

In short, he was perfect to play the role of my boyfriend.

Why, I can just see Ma immediately backout when she sees his easy smile, bright eyes, respectful demeanor and cultured vocabulary.

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