The Rumors

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Touya and tenko walked back to the dorms well with the other's following behind fangirling. Tenko was clearly annoyed while Touya was thinking of setting the earth on FIRE! So tenko decided why not hold Touya's hand, so he grabbed touya's hand and held on tight. He looked at tenko smiling which tenko gave a smile back.

Hana: Yas these motherfuckers are in love

Himiko: I swear to god, bae post that on Instagram and rub it in these bitches faces! Ooh~ Hawks is gonna love dis~

Jin: and by love he's gonna lose his fucking mind!

Touya: y'all are gonna start some unnecessary beef?

Hana: hell the fuck yeaaa!!

Tenko: watch in like a few hours, that bird gon be bangin on my door

Touya: shit, I hope the fuck not he got me fucked up

Tenko giggles at touya for no absolute reason which made touya blush intensely

Touya: your giggles are cute

Tenko: I know that's why I'm still treated like a god damn baby in my household


tenko: see she never shut's her fucking trap I swear

Hana: shut up, I have my rights to speak

Jin: Oohhhh shit!

Himiko: what's wrong babe

Jin: people started commenting in 5 fucking minutes!?

Himiko: what are they saying?

Jin: most people are coming for tenko too, they're saying "fuck you tenko" "Tenko you fucking useless good for nothing slut" And worst of all this is from... Kai?!


Hana: what's wrong?

Himiko: Touya has a serious Rivalry with this guy named Chisaki Kai, they hated eachother for about a year now

Jin: we hate him too, he's a fucking bitch... And a hoe if I'm not being honest

Tenko: eww, Touya what did he say?

Touya stood there silent like he didn't hear any of them asking what he said, the only thing that happened was that his hair was on fire. And the he slowly gave Jin's phone back and clenched his fists and went super sonic speed to the school

Hana: Jesus! He's got some anger issues

Tenko: well let's see what kai said

Jin: he says "I can steal tenko from you easily, you nothing but ugly and stupid, your useless to the todoroki family and you'll always be a red headed bitch, I'm sure on everything tenko's fine self will love me easily... Well until I find him"

Hana: if he touches my brother he's getting boosted out of Japan

Himiko: with a side of knifes thrown at him

Jin: my clones and I will jump him first then rob his ass

Tenko: ummm... Guys?

Hana: yea ten?

Tenko: someone is posting a live video

Hana: of what?

Tenko: touya beating the ever loving hell out of kai's dumbass

Himiko: let's just go grab him and wait till tomorrow, maybe this will all go away by tomorrow

So they all tried finding touya which they did they pull him off of a unconscious Kai, then tenko had to drag him all the way to his dorm. Then Hana and tenko said bye to himiko and Jin and they all went to sleep hoping this little charade will be over soon. But not a surprise it wasn't, girls were banging on their door every hour when they were trying to sleep, kiego comes and screams from the other side cussing all the words in the dictionary. Then out of no where which they did not expect, deku comes and bangs on the door at 5:00 in the morning.

(If you was tenko what would you do in this situation?) 🤔


Tenko: ugh! What nowwww!

Hana: I'll answer it go back to sleep

Hana walks over to the door to see who gon get they jaw ripped in half they have had enough of this shit, and to her surprise the broccoli looking angry as fuck.

Hana: oh! What a fucking surprise! What the hell do you want broccoli

Deku: where's that bitch of a brother you have!?

Hana: in here sleep which your obviously disturbing!!!

Deku shoves hana out the way running in their dorm trying to attempt to beat tenko's ass, but tenko was already awake with bags under his eyes, part of his hair swept to the other side of his head, and with his gloves off.

Tenko: im guessing your here to get decayed??

Deku: no I came here to beat your a-

Before deku could finish his sentence hana kicked him to the ground and started beating HIS ass, while tenko put his gloves back on and finds a random bat and starts beat the hell out of deku's legs.




himiko and Jin then came busting through the door with knifes and bats as well and doing also the same to deku.

A few minutes later with Touya he hears a weird noises in hana and tenkos dorm so he gets up, puts his slippers on and walks to tenko and hana's room which he finds the door already opened, so he goes in to see hana, tenko, himiko, and Jin beating the shit out of deku. He almost laughed until he got pulled back into a wall.

He looked up to see who it was... It was bakugou not surprise whatsoever, he was angry, sleepy, and had explosions in his hand ready to blow Touya into SMITERINES!

Touya got up quickly and activates his quirk, he had blue flames in his hands ready to shoot. Bakugou then started to attack with a explosion to the face but touya intensely blocked it. Then he threw big flame balls making bakugou try to Dodge but ends up slipping and hitting his head on the hard floor. Touya then walked over to bakugou, his hand in a fist with a blue flame covering it. Touya then punched bakugou hard in his face sending bakugou to the unconscious world.

Touya then got up and ran into tenko's room, and saw that they all was chillin with deku duct taped to the wall

Touya: ...

Tenko: oh hey Touya!

Tenko went to go hug his now lover boy, which yes Touya hugged back, but in full confusion.

Tenko: hey, what's wrong?

Touya: umm, wasn't y'all just fighting broccoli earlier?

Jin: oh! Yea we beat his ass till he had a bloody nose and he passed the hell out!

Hana: and he started holding up a white flag waving it around so it's great

Touya: huh, y'all crazy asses

They all laughed and start playing Uno which of course touya cheated this time which got him smack across his face by Jin.

Words 1147

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