The big game

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Himiko, Jin, Hana, and tenko we're in thier dorms getting ready to see touya's game, well they have no fucking idea what the hell thier getting themselves into but CARRY ON WITH DA STORY!

Tenko: I'mma wear BOOTY SHORTS!!

Hana: why did you buy booty shorts
You look stupid in them

Tenko: no I look sexy I just need a crobtop and then I'm good

Hana: good luck with that now where's my hoodie

Tenko went over to grab his crobtop shirt and found a black hoodie that said -succ mah balls-


Hana: yea you dumb shit gimmie

As soon as they were done they heard a knock on the door, Hana went over to check who was at the door, it was himiko and Jin dressed mostly black

Hana: oh hey guys

Himiko: heeyy you guys ready to go

Tenko: yep

Himiko: wow tenko that looks great on youuuu~

Jin whispers to himiko- once touya sees him he gon start getting flirty for sure

Himiko: yea maybe

Hana: maybe what?

Himiko: oh nothing, let's go!

25 minutes later, they made it to the football game where a lot of people were screaming, walking around, fighting, playing music, ect.

Tenko: well... Wasn't expecting this

Hana: me neither, umm what game are we watching again?

Himiko: oh the football game, hey did I tell you guys touya is the leader of the group?

Jin: babe I think it's called quarterback

Himiko: ohhhhhhh yea

Hana: (O_O)

Tenko: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As they were walking up the bleachers it didn't take long to find a seat which was at the bottom but that's when tenko had that same bad feeling in his stomach... He felt someone stareing

Hana: hey, you okay?

Tenko: ... H-huh, oh umm y-yea just feel like someones stareing

Hana: eh, you'll get used to it in a week or 2

Tenko: how are you used to it already!?

Hana: I'm not I just ignore it cause I am 1 stare away from grabbing a stick and sticking it someones asshole

Tenko: Oof well

Himiko: oh I see touya he's going to play now

Jin: Oof let's see if he scores the ball this time

-Time skip- Touya and his team was one point away from winning the game. Touya the captain of the team was a talented player, he pushed, shoved, and even flipped someone in the air🤣
But then once he sprinted past all those dumbasses he finally scores the last point for his team no surprise 😒



Everyone was getting up cheering, clapping, and screaming

While tenko and hana looked around in annoyance of why these people are screaming

(They never experienced what football was or any sport of that kind)

Hana: wow these people are really loud

Tenko: you tell me this is 5x as loud I scream, shit


himiko: WHOOOO! TOUYA!!!

touya was celebrating with his team until he heard a familiar voice from not so far but distance
He turned and he saw himiko and Jin cheering, he smiled but his eyes caught something else, a girl and a boy.
He ran over to say hello to his fellow friends and meet whoever the hell was with them

Touya: hey himiko hey Jin, did you enjoy the glorious win I brought onto mah team?

Jin: Hell yea! You were awesome!

Himiko: yea we're proud of you touya

Touya: so uhhh... Who are they?

Himiko: oh! This is hana and tenko, thier the new kids that transfer here

Touya: oh well hey I'm touya todoroki

Hana: hi

Tenko: hello

Himiko: let's go get something to drink I'm thirsty

Jin: I'll beat you thier Babe baii

Jin and himiko zoomed seeing who got to the snack bar first

Hana: Ten do you want anything while I go?

Tenko: soda please

Hana: okie

As Hana walked away, tenko had a shiver down his spine only just to see touya just stareing at him well not in a creepy way but stareing

Tenko: umm... May I help you?

Touya: er! Um... No I was just thinking

Tenko: what are you thinking about

Touya: oh um I was just wondering why your eyes look like that

Tenko: like what?

Touya: devilish lookin, what other?

Tenko: oh well why your face look like that

Touya: !? Look like what!?

Tenko: cute, handsome ect.

What touya heard that, it made him blush into a frickin 🍅

Tenko: but yo breathe stank I can smell it from here da fuck wrong with you!?

Touya snapped out of the trance in offense!!

Touya: ya know you really have some nerve talkin like you perfect

Tenko: oh trust me neither me or my sister are perfect we have so many flaws that could leave you traumatized

Touya chuckled- oh really?

Tenko: yea and just so you know me and my sister are not the ones to be played with so you better check yourself

Touya: you don't scare me sexy 😏

Tenko: w- what did you just call me!?

Touya: what, sexy?

Tenko pov: ohhh hell no

See not even minutes touya gets smacked in da face like POP!


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