I'll Be There Part 1.

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    Dark brown eyes scanned the words of the page within the mystery novel that he was keeping himself occupied with, however actually, he just couldn't bring himself to concentrate at all for it had been at least 15 minutes that he had spent on reading the one paragraph over and over once more. Finally sighing in defeat, thus putting the bookmark in, he soon closed the object as he walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water to help calm his nerves. It had been over an hour and a half since Robert was last seen as he could remember from earlier that the angelic teenager told him that he had met some guys over at the Community Center whom he became quickly acquainted with and that they were going to hang out with one another for awhile.

Although he was happy for the younger angel, deep down, he was hesitant. Robert was such a sweet kid who never got into trouble with anybody whom he was either assigned to, or any of the boys in the group for he would always be playing the peacemaker due to being the Voice of Reason as well as having great leadership qualities where he considered himself fair to all individuals young and old alike. But despite that, he still wanted to become a normal teenaged boy hanging out with other people in his own age standards and getting together to meet up at places where they were age appropriate enough that never went above or over the limit.

And that was what made James very worried at times. Although he knew that Rob was capable enough to look out for himself, he just couldn't help but to feel protective of him at most times; he looked to him as if he was like a younger brother despite their height differences but it was the age that still made him have authority over the brunette haired boy to the point that it would make people stop and stare thinking that the 21 year old was the youngest (even though he would never admit that annoyed him a lot of times, just like how he could see in Russell's facial expressions that they would point out how he looked like a combination of a young Bill Gates and a young Jeffrey Dahmer rolled up into one).

Staring at the clock above the fridge that read 9:12 p.m. even made him start to tap his foot and sigh again grunting that he had enough of waiting and was going to go out and look for him. As he was about to get his jacket, the door soon slowly opened revealing to be Robert himself looking tired as he slowly walked into the main room taking a couple of seconds to shut the door back. That made James sigh in relief but what really caught his eyes was that Rob's cheeks were flushed pink and his eyes looked droopy like they were about to close at any given moment.

He was not going to have any of it and if it meant giving the boy a piece of his mind, then so be it.

"Where on Earth have you been? don't you know how worried sick I was? I was just about to go out and look for you because I thought you could've been hurt or left out there lying on the sidewalk somewhere."

But Rob wasn't paying attention at anything on what James was saying, instead, he was just trying to calm his aching head. "Mmm...stop shouting, you're making my ears bleed." He mumbled tiredly planting his face first on the table.

"I'm not finished with you yet, where did you and the guys go anyway?"

"Does it even matter?"

"Yes it does matter, now tell me right now or else."

"I don't want to."

"I don't think that's an option at all."

"Can't you just drop it already!?" James then soon smelt what came out of the young angel boy's mouth blinking three times couldn't believe what he sniffed.

"Rob, have you been drinking?" When the boy didn't answer immediately, the shorter male angel soon put his hands on his cheeks feeling how warm and clammy his skin was.


"Okay, okay, after we left the Burger joint, we just went out and had some beers, Jerry was able to use his ID for all of us to get in for free no big deal."

"No big deal? No big deal? Rob, that is a big deal! we might be angels yes, but that doesn't mean that we can't get an intolerance to alcoholic based beverages, what were you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that you need to be quiet because right now, I have a headache."

James sighed and shook his head couldn't believe what he was hearing right now, couldn't shake off the disappointment that he had written on his face but he didn't dare let it show to Rob right now who looked like he was about to puke at any given time as his prediction came true seeing the teenager make a beeline for the bathroom where he threw up everything that he had making his brotherly instincts kick into high gear following him where he kneeled behind him pulling his hair gently in order for him to finish.

He didn't let go not even for a second until he knew that he was all done as he flushed the toilet for him who placed his forehead against the cooling plastic as tears ran down his face staining his cheeks. He then patted him on his back helping him to stand slowly but surely as he helped him take off his musty beer smelling clothes throwing them in the dirty clothes hamper where he would have to do some laundry by tomorrow morning, but for right now, his main focus was on the Angel of Reason and Understanding.

The Next Chapter will be up soon. Featuring: James Mazzara and Robert Piest, Victims of Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy. Enjoy!

I'll Be There: A Heaven 33 Preview.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora